Yuuji Shimamoto


アイ・アム まきもと
Executive Producer
「舞妓 Haaaan!!!」の水田伸生監督と阿部サダヲが4度目のタッグを組み、2013年製作のイギリス・イタリア合作映画「おみおくりの作法」を原作に描いたヒューマンドラマ。 小さな市役所で、人知れず亡くなった人を埋葬する「おみおくり係」として働く牧本。故人の思いを大切にするあまり世間のルールより自分の考えを優先してしまい、周囲に迷惑をかけてばかりいた。そんなある日、新任局長・小野口が「おみおくり係」の廃止を決定。身寄りなく他界した老人・蕪木の埋葬が「おみおくり係」での最後の仕事となった牧本は、蕪木の身寄りを探すため彼の友人や知人を訪ね歩き、やがて蕪木の娘・塔子のもとにたどり着く。蕪木の知られざる思いとともに彼の人生をたどるうちに、牧本自身にも少しずつ変化が起こり始める。 共演は塔子役の満島ひかりのほか、宇崎竜童、松下洸平、松尾スズキ、宮沢りえ、國村隼ら。
Executive Producer
First Lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is a prestigious F-15 Eagle jet pilot (or "driver" as he is called in the film). A lifelong fan of flying since he was a child, being a pilot is his ultimate dream. Unfortunately, his duties distance himself from his wife, Yoko, who always ends up being neglected, and his son, Tsugumu, who has a congenital blood disease and has a high risk of dying at a young age.Maki decides to quit the Air Force to devote more time to his family and to spend whatever is left for his son. He takes a part-time job as a commercial tour guide run by a kindly group of people who allow him time to work and to also take care of his family.