Baptiste Sornin

Baptiste Sornin


Baptiste Sornin


The Green Perfume
Technocrate Belge 1
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, the Green Perfume, that seems to have ordered the murder. While leading his own investigation, Martin receives the unexpected help of Claire, an eccentric cartoonist in need of adventure. This unlikely duo will live an adventure across Europe to foil the plans of the mysterious Green Perfume.
Tori and Lokita
In Belgium today, a young boy and an adolescent girl who have travelled alone from Africa pit their invincible friendship against the difficult conditions of their exile.
Twice My Brother
Damien takes in a young Sudanese exile, Abdo. From the beginning of their stay, they suspect that they are homosexual and homophobic respectively.
Ève and Henri are among the happy few of the French community in Vienna. They are “la crème de la crème”. The perfect picture crumbles when Ève discovers that Henri is cheating on her. On an impulse, she finds revenge with Jonas, a perfect young Austrian guy. But he’s not who she thought he was. This will lead them to an irreversible spiral.
FLO has to go to Marrakech for work. So, it’s TOM who takes care of SAM, their 5-year-old son. Flo left him a list of tasks to complete during his absence. Despite this, Tom forgot Sam’s guitar course. From his ryad, Flo calls to blame him. Tom hates being caught. He picks up Sam. The car comes out of the garage at full speed. SPRÖTCH. Tom just crushed something…
The Color of Kings
Le candidat
Adel is a young aircraft co-pilot. Following a assault he may lose is eye.
Losers Revolution
Simon, Mehdi and Fred, 3 childhood friends are invited to the funeral of Juan, a former school mate, who has a last wish: he wants the boys to start a "Losers Revolution" and seek revenge on their high school bullies.
My Family and the Wolf
When Hugo, a boy who spends his summer vacation with his cousins, discovers that the wolf Rong intends to take his grandmother Sara, he devises a plan to save her.
The Sofa
Baptiste has been dumped. Alone, he waits for his friend Karim to help him get rid of the last piece of furniture in the apartment he shared with his girlfriend: a sofa. When Karim arrives, he tells him that he too has been dumped.
The Sofa
Baptiste has been dumped. Alone, he waits for his friend Karim to help him get rid of the last piece of furniture in the apartment he shared with his girlfriend: a sofa. When Karim arrives, he tells him that he too has been dumped.
The Sofa
Baptiste has been dumped. Alone, he waits for his friend Karim to help him get rid of the last piece of furniture in the apartment he shared with his girlfriend: a sofa. When Karim arrives, he tells him that he too has been dumped.
Papa 2
The educator
 「息子のまなざし」「サンドラの週末」のジャン=ピエール&リュック・ダルデンヌ監督が、一人の身元不明少女の死の真相を探る若い女医を主人公に描くヒューマン・サスペンス。少女の死に責任を感じ、その足取りを辿る中で自らも思いも寄らぬ危険に巻き込まれていくヒロインの運命を、現代の様々な社会問題を背景にスリリングに描き出す。主演は「水の中のつぼみ」「メゾン ある娼館の記憶」のアデル・エネル。  有能な若き女医ジェニー。今は小さな診療所勤めだが、間もなく大きな病院へ好待遇で迎えられる予定。ある晩、診療所の呼び鈴が鳴るが、診察時間は過ぎているからと、研修医ジュリアンがドアを開けようとするのを引き止める。翌日、警察が来て、近くで身元不明の少女の遺体が見つかったと知るジェニー。昨晩の監視カメラには、呼び鈴を鳴らす少女の姿が映っていた。あの時、ちゃんと出ていれば少女は死ななかった、と自分を責めるジェニー。罪悪感から携帯にコピーした少女の写真を手に、名前も分からない彼女の身元を突き止めるべく自ら聞き込みを始めるが…。
Mr. Dumont
「息子のまなざし」「少年と自転車」のジャン=ピエール&リュック・ダルデンヌ監督が、「エディット・ピアフ~愛の讃歌~」「君と歩く世界」のマリオン・コティヤールを主演に迎え、労働者の連帯をテーマに贈る社会派ヒューマン・ドラマ。会社から突然解雇を宣告され、それを免れるために同僚たちの協力を仰ぐべく、一人ひとり説得して回るヒロインの運命を描く。  夫と共働きで2人の小さな子どもを育てる工場労働者のサンドラ。体調不良による休職から復帰しようとした矢先、会社から解雇を言い渡されてしまう。アジア勢に押され、経営の苦しい会社としては、社員にボーナスを支給するためにはやむを得ない措置だという。それを撤回してほしければ、同僚16人のうち過半数がボーナスを諦めることに賛成する必要があるという。投票が行われるのは月曜日。サンドラに残された時間はこの週末だけ。“自分のためにボーナスを諦めてほしい”と頼むことがどんなに厚かましいお願いかは百も承知ながら、もはや他に選択の余地がないサンドラは、悲壮な思いで同僚への説得行脚を開始するが…。
Educateur 1
Vincent Lannoo’s ‘mockumentary’ shows us a community of vampires in Belgium. The two ‘parents’ of the family are George and Bertha, who have two teenage children – or rather, they raise two former humans who they turned into vampires. Son Samson is a bit of a jack the lad: enjoying the sexual freedom of vampire life, with all the vigour of an irresponsible young adult regardless of consequences (even incest is not frowned upon in their world, where the word ‘wife’ is often synonymous with ‘mother’ or ‘sister’). Daughter Grace yearns for humanity in a different way: applying fake tan to get rid of her vampiric pallor, dressing in pink clothes, wishing she could feel emotion and even having a human boyfriend.
Morgue Attendant
「息子のまなざし」「ある子供」のダルデンヌ兄弟が、国籍を取得するため偽装結婚をした移民女性を主人公に描く感動のヒューマン・ラブストーリー。偽りの結婚生活の中で思いがけず情が移り始めたことで生まれる葛藤と断ち切れない闇社会との関係に追いつめられていくさまを大胆な構成でサスペンスフルに描き出していく。主演は新星アルタ・ドブロシ、共演に「ある子供」のジェレミー・レニエ。  アルバニアからベルギーにやって来た女性、ロルナ。同郷の恋人とこの地でバーを開くことを夢見る彼女は、この国の国籍を取得するため闇のブローカー、ファビオの手引きで麻薬中毒の青年クローディと偽装結婚をする。最初は疎ましく思いながらも、自分を慕い懸命に麻薬から足を洗おうと苦しむクローディの姿に、いつしか特別な感情が芽生え始めるロルナだったが…。