Rio Yamashita

Rio Yamashita

出生 : 1992-10-10, Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan


Rio Yamashita is a Japanese fashion model and actress.


Rio Yamashita
Rio Yamashita


Penalty Loop
Nao Tomita
Sayaka, a high school student, kills herself but the reason behind her suicide is unknown. She appeared to have led a normal life with her family. Her mother Rumiko seemed to have raised Sayaka with love and care. In reality, that does not seem to be the case. When the mother and daughter recall the same incidents that took place in the past, they tell very different stories.
The year is 2020, the middle of the corona crisis. Art student Itsuka has her graduation exhibition canceled and must take home the piece which she had been working on for a year. In a whirlpool of emotions she clashes with her worried parents, her little sister overreacts to the virus and even her usually calm friend Hirai starts to build up frustration. In the middle of all that, she re-unites with Tanaka, who gave her the opportunity to absorb herself in painting, clashes with Hirai over their true feelings and tries to face her own future.
2年前、ホテル「プラトン東京」から、ここ「プラトン ロイヤルホテル八ヶ岳」に総支配人として着任した東堂克生(内藤剛志)。お客様に最高の時間と空間を提供するため、スタッフとともに日々奮闘している。コンシェルジュの北山修二(東根作寿英)は、宿泊客パスカル・アンリ(Frederick Benoliel)と静子(いしのようこ)夫妻の恩人探しに奮闘。若手パティシェ・須藤義之(田中俊介)の作るスウィーツは宿泊客に好評で、人気作家・中上冬樹(デビット伊東)はそれを目当てに滞在するほどだ。須藤は、松岡みのり(山下リオ)との結婚も決まっており、ブライダル担当の山下みなみ(あめくみちこ)は、同僚の結婚式の準備に張り切っている。
After a long and unsuccessful struggle to get pregnant, convinced by the discourse of an adoption association, Satoko and her husband decide to adopt a baby boy. A few years later, their parenthood is shaken by a threatening unknown girl, Hikari, who pretends to be the child's biological mother. Satoko decides to confront Hikari directly.
映画 少年たち
The 50 years old long-running legendary stageplay comes to big screen in 29 March 2019. Produced by Johnny Kitagawa himself, starring future stars Jesse, Kyomoto Taiga, Kouchi Yugo, Matsumura Hokuto, Morimoto Shintaro, Tanaka Juri (of group SixTONES), and more than hundred of Johnny's Juniors.
伊藤くん A to E
Maki Miyata
セブンデイズ リポート
Seven days before his graduation, high school student Maesawa Ryota discovers that he is a clone. While in a state of shock upon realizing he only has a short time left to live, he comes into contact with the original Maesawa Ryota.
A strange phenomenon takes place. A beautiful flower blooms on a selected woman's body and that flower is called the "Shanidar". When the Shanidar is in full bloom, the flower produces a substance which is then sold at a high cost to develop new drugs. Kenji Otaki works as a researcher at the facility where the Shanidar is grown.
Sakuyo Kinoshita
ダブル・ミーニング〜Yes or No?
Kumi Kisaragi
望月陽(北乃きい)ら捜査一課特殊犯係の元に、残酷な動画がネット配信されているという情報が入る。マスク男が登場するその動画は、世間に正義を問うとうたって究極の二択を提示し、閲覧者の投票の結果が意に沿わない場合は、人質を銃殺するという内容だった。 同じ日に、警視の山路哲夫(寺島進)に届いた差出人不明の手紙が、動画の内容と酷似していることを知った特殊犯係は、所轄に異動していた山路を呼び寄せ、捜査に乗り出す。2問、3問と問題が進んでいくにつれ、増え続けるアクセス数と投票数。まるでゲームでもしているかのように、興味本位で配信を楽しむ人々が集まっていく。そんな中、犯行が船の中で行われていることが判明。船の特定に至るも、状況がリアルタイムで配信されている現状から、積極的な行動に出られない警視庁と海上保安庁は、捜査の指揮権の所在をなすりつけ合う。一方、何かに気付いた山路は、過去の捜査記録を確認し始める。捜査に二の足を踏んでいると、犯人の策略で配信がテレビ中継されることに。世間が過熱していく様子に、プロファイラーの大曾根学(山本裕典)が犯行のエスカレートを予見する中、船が岸に戻ってくる。望月は、犯人と交渉させてほしいと管理官の風見憲吾(高嶋政伸)に直訴するが、取り合ってもらえない。しびれを切らした望月は、同僚の岩崎良太(石垣佑磨)が止めるのも聞かず、船に向かって人質の開放を要求し始める。
莫逆家族 バクギャクファミーリア
Makoto Yokota
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
A boy from Tokyo moves to the countryside and has trouble adapting, falls in love.
書道ガールズ!! わたしたちの甲子園
Mio Okazaki
Kozue Hisano
Louis Yanagisawa
One year ago, Rui (Rio Yamashita) lost her eyesight after a hit & run accident. She's still traumatized by the accident and has yet to undergo rehab treatment. She then meets a young man named Wataru (Kento Hayashi) who is fascinated by paragliding. Rui slowly comes out her shell and finds a way to rise up again with the help of Wataru. Unfortunately, reality can sometimes be cruel. Can Rui and Wataru face each other again after facing this cruel truth?
16年前、沖之真船島で開発中の神経ガス「MW」が漏れ出し、島民の大半が中毒死、生き残った島民もことごとく虐殺される事件が発生した。だが、その中で生き残った少年が2人いた。1人は後に神父となった賀来、もう1人はエリート銀行員となった結城である。 結城は国内外で殺人を重ねる。タイでの誘拐殺人事件で犯人に肉薄した刑事の沢木は、結城が犯人であると勘付くが、その尻尾をなかなかつかめない。犯罪のサポートを強要されていた賀来も、警察への密告に失敗する。 そんな中、タイの事件を追ううちに16年前の惨事に行き当たった新聞記者の京子が賀来と結城に接触。その結果、結城は現存するMWの保管場所を知ることになる。
Sora Suzuki
Suzuki Sora is a cheerful country girl from the small town of Bie. She made a promise to her father, and following this promise applies and is accepted for a magic intership in Tokyo, where she will face the life in a big city. While training to get better with her magic, she meets a mysterious boy also practicing to become a mage. While he can not use magic that well and he seems distant and cold at first, Sora’s fate intertwines with his and the two are thrown together, learning a lot of new things about life and each other.
陰陽師 呪詛返し
This film is a psychic documentary that uses "Onmyoji" as its subject and focuses on the real-life stories of inexplicable horrors that occur in this world of universal science. Do curses really exist? Is it possible to put a curse on a third person? Is it possible to kill someone with a curse? See the truth with your own eyes.
5人の才能ある俳優がショート・フィルムの監督に挑戦する。撮られる側から撮る側へ…“映画のWOWOW”が開局30周年を記念し、俳優たちと立ち上げる短編映画企画。 幼い頃に通った絵画教室、そこでオレ(吉村界人)を指導してくれた先生(神野三鈴)の繊細な筆遣いの感覚をいまも思い出すことができる。先生との秘密の共有と罪の意識。