Graham Payn

出生 : 1918-04-25,

死亡 : 2005-11-04


The South Bank Show: Noël Coward
Television documentary on playwright, actor, composer, and film maker Noel Coward.
ロンドンのとある刑務所を出所したチャーリーは、ボスであるブリッジャーの指示により、トリノで400万ドルの金塊を手に入れる計画を立てる。 手練の泥棒仲間たちに加え、コンピュータの第一人者であるピーチ教授を仲間にしたチャーリーたちは、一路イタリアへ向かった。そして、当時のイギリスの象徴とも言うべき、赤、白、青のユニオンジャックカラーの小型車、ミニMK-Iが3台、作戦のためにトリノに送り込まれた。トリノの街は、イタリア警察のアルファロメオと、ミニのカーチェイスが展開されることになる――。
A woman is found murdered in a house along the coast from Brighton. Local detectives Fellows and Wilks lead an investigation methodically following up leads and clues mostly in Brighton and Hove but also further afield.
The Astonished Heart
Tim Verney
Several years after graduation, best friends Barbara (Celia Johnson) and Leonora (Margaret Leighton) reconnect as if not a day has gone by. But Leonora could do without Barbara's husband, Christian (Noel Coward), whom she finds arrogant and off-putting ... at first. One evening alone together, romance is set ablaze, leaving Christian with a lot of explaining to do to Barbara.
Boys in Brown
Plato Cartwright
Jackie lives in poverty with his widowed mother. In a bid to escape poverty he gets involved in a robbery that sees him sentenced to three years in Borstal where he meets a tough crowd, tougher than anything on the outside.