The 20 January 1931 slaying of Julia Wallace remains unsolved, despite an ongoing stream of investigative writers giving an impression that a solution to the crime has been found through a surfeit of working hypotheses.
Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - but are soon attacked by something that interrupts the communication with Earth. This horrible something uses the gate to travel back to the underground complex. Most of the staff are evacuated, except four heavily-armed militaries and Dr. Casserly and Dr. Summerfield who just can't stand each other.
When he loses his way on a country road and is bitten by an animal, Maybury stumbles across a strange house where an extravagant dinner is taking place.
Drama adaptation of his own novel by John Wain, with Robert Smith, concerning the deeply critical view of his parents by their son, exacerbated by the tragic death of his younger sister.
田舎の山荘で遊んでいたサムと息子トニー。だが突然謎の光が現れ、サムは姿を消してしまった。以来、トニーはサムが光に連れて行かれる悪夢を見続けていた。 3年後、山中に墜落したUFOから謎の生命体が現れ、近くに住む女性を襲い、腹部から触手を出して女性の体内に何かを産みつける。やがて女性は苦しみもがき、腹部が膨れ上がって体内から一人の成人男性が誕生する。それは紛れもなく3年前行方不明になったサムだった…