Barbara Melega


I Told You So
A turbulent mosaic of intertwined stories amidst the inescapable Italian heat.
Lord of the Ants
Based on true events of the late 60s in Italy, poet, playwright and myrmecologist Aldo Braibanti is prosecuted and sentenced to prison for the love he shares with his barely-of-age pupil and friend, Ettore. Amidst a chorus of voices of accusers, supporters and a largely hypocritical public, a single committed journalist takes on the task of piecing together the truth, between secrecy and desire, facing suspicion and censorship in the process.
If Only
Alma, Jean and Sebastiano, the children of divorced parents, arrive in Rome from Paris on a visit to their father. During a holiday, the family’s tensions come to the surface.
First Assistant Director
A biopic of 19th-century poet Giacomo Leopardi, who created immortal verses while struggling with a debilitating illness and isolation.
Assistant Director
「ラストエンペラー」「シェルタリング・スカイ」の巨匠ベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督が重い病で車椅子生活を余儀なくされながらも、2003年の「ドリーマーズ」以来10年ぶりの復活を果たして撮り上げた青春ドラマ。周囲に馴染めない孤独な14歳の少年が腹違いの大人びた姉と自宅地下室で過ごす秘密の1週間を綴ったニッコロ・アンマニーティの同名小説を映画化。  周囲に馴染めず、独りが好きなちょっと変わり者の14歳、ロレンツォ。学校行事のスキー合宿に行くと両親を騙して向かった先は、自分の住むアパルトマンの地下室。彼はそこに食料を持ち込み、寝床や暖房も確保したその秘密の部屋で、好きな本と音楽に浸って一週間を過ごす計画だったのだ。ところがそこに、異母姉のオリヴィアが転がり込んでくる。美しく奔放な上、麻薬中毒でもあるオリヴィアの登場で、のんびり過ごすはずだったロレンツォの地下室生活は思いもよらぬ方向へと転がり始めるが…。
「ラストエンペラー」「シェルタリング・スカイ」の巨匠ベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督が重い病で車椅子生活を余儀なくされながらも、2003年の「ドリーマーズ」以来10年ぶりの復活を果たして撮り上げた青春ドラマ。周囲に馴染めない孤独な14歳の少年が腹違いの大人びた姉と自宅地下室で過ごす秘密の1週間を綴ったニッコロ・アンマニーティの同名小説を映画化。  周囲に馴染めず、独りが好きなちょっと変わり者の14歳、ロレンツォ。学校行事のスキー合宿に行くと両親を騙して向かった先は、自分の住むアパルトマンの地下室。彼はそこに食料を持ち込み、寝床や暖房も確保したその秘密の部屋で、好きな本と音楽に浸って一週間を過ごす計画だったのだ。ところがそこに、異母姉のオリヴィアが転がり込んでくる。美しく奔放な上、麻薬中毒でもあるオリヴィアの登場で、のんびり過ごすはずだったロレンツォの地下室生活は思いもよらぬ方向へと転がり始めるが…。
Wild Blood
Assistant Director
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Wild Blood
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Spanning nearly four decades, this generational epic follows two Italian brothers from a middle-class family through some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history after their life paths diverge thanks to one fateful encounter during the summer of 1966.
First Assistant Director
Spanning nearly four decades, this generational epic follows two Italian brothers from a middle-class family through some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history after their life paths diverge thanks to one fateful encounter during the summer of 1966.
Who Killed Pasolini?
First Assistant Director
1975: poet, intellectual, and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini is bludgeoned to death and run over with his own car in the outskirts of Rome. Charged with murder, 17-year-old hustler Pino Pelosi pleads self-defense -- after all, Pasolini was a well-known pederast. However, many inconsistencies start to undermine his version of events, pointing to him not having acted alone or even being assaulted in the first place. Was Pasolini also murdered for another reason?