Set in the bleak underworld of the Hungarian and Italian human trafficking business, the story follows Nora, a young girl taken from an orphanage in Budapest to be sold on the streets of Italy as a prostitute. It becomes a violent race against time, as the authorities fail to track her down, Nora is taken on a nightmarish journey of fear and betrayal. Soon becoming live bate caught in the midst of two warring Mafia families. Her mysterious "transporter" may become her only friend and her only way out.
Varg Veum investigates a case where his good friend Even, a highly decorated ex-army officer, is falsely accused of bombing Armakon, a weapons storage facility.
When 13 year old Maria Merryweather's father dies, leaving her orphaned and homeless, she is forced to leave her luxurious London life to go and live with Sir Benjamin, an eccentric uncle she didn't know she had, at the mysterious Moonacre Manor.
An American diplomat and his fiancée venture into the sordid underworld of sex and pornography in Budapest, Hungary to find out who is blackmailing them with a sex tape of them with a prostitute.