Kyuuzō Itami
暴走族「東京狛江愚連隊」特攻隊長として暴れまくり、かつては「狛江の狂犬」と恐れられた伝説の超不良・井口達也(倉 悠貴)が少年院から出所した。達也は、地元から遠く離れた西千葉の叔父叔母に引き取られ、更生を目標に焼肉店「三塁」で働きながらの生活を始める。勿論、次喧嘩をすれば即アウトだ。が!?出所初日に、リーゼントの巨漢、暴走族「斬人」副総長の安倍 要(⽔上恒司)とタイマンで喧嘩をしてしまう…。少年院に戻りたくない達也と、負けたことを知られたくない要は、この喧嘩を秘密にすることで合意、ふたりは交流を深めてゆく。この出会いから達也の壮絶な更生生活が始まってゆく──。
Masaru Maruoka
Kazuo Furukawa
Imuda Shohei
The drama depicts the exploits of the “Ichigeki Hishikkitai”, a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the "Imperial Robbers" and the "Imperial Thieves" of the Satsuma Clan who were causing a stir in Edo at the end of the Edo period.
Munehisa Mitani
Junpei Kodera
Based on the novel by Daimon Takeaki about brothers who were separated after the death of their father and reunited as police detective and prosecutor.
Munenori Saeki
During turbulent economic times in Japan, Masahiko Washizu (Go Ayano) appears. He leads a foreign investment fund and he is criticized for being a vulture. Masahiko Washizu challenges to buy a bank with insolvent bonds and a company that is experiencing financial depression.
A bruised and battered corpse in Shibuya, Tokyo has the attention of the local cops. A veteran detective is assigned to the case. The last utterance of the victim is one clue that detective Imanishi has to work on. Yet, the case becomes more tangled quickly. Elsewhere, a prodigy named Waga Eiryo is composing an orchestral piece.
This story follows the semi-autobiographical account of manga artist Ishinomori Shotaro, author of the original Kamen Rider, Cyborg 009, and Super Sentai.
This story follows the semi-autobiographical account of manga artist Ishinomori Shotaro, author of the original Kamen Rider, Cyborg 009, and Super Sentai.
Akira Saijo
Koji Nakahara
(segment "Shachu no dekigoto")
Makoto Sawada
Daiki Ozone
In the past, Kurumi Usushima (Yuto Nakajima) wanted to become a ballerino, but he is now a detective. Kurumi Usushima and his senior detective, Takao Washio (Masahiro Takashima), solve a case by using the hypnosis technique past life regression.
Michiba Kazuo
In June 1945 Yamauchi Fusako goes alone to Manchuria where her husband, Setsuo, a second lieutenant of the Kwantung Army, is based. At that time, 200,000 Japanese had settled in Manchuria, a Japanese occupied territory, as settler communities. Fujita Hideo’s family worked hard to clear the wilderness, but the Soviets are lying in wait for an invasion of Manchuria from the North. Fusako is safely reunited with her husband at the headquarters of the Kwantung Army’s Fifth Training Squadron in Manchuria’s Dahushan. Setsuo also takes good care of his beloved wife, but his position is an instructor to the young soldiers who will eventually carry out suicide attacks. He wonders if he should have summoned her and speaks of these mixed feelings to his commanding officer, Michiba Kazuo, a first lieutenant. Michiba is concerned about Setsuo’s attempts to cherish his wife before the coming showdown on homeland. Fusako learns about life in Manchuria from Michiba’s wife, Etsu.
Masashi Tamura
『ORANGE』は、宇田学の戯曲。阪神・淡路大震災を経験した消防士たちが命の最前線で闘う物語。宇田学が実際に当時人命救助にあたった100人以上の消防士に取材し、それを元に書き上げた[1][2]。神戸の湊山消防署が舞台となっている。本作を原案としたスペシャルドラマ『テレビ未来遺産 ORANGE 〜1.17命懸けで闘った消防士の魂の物語〜』が阪神大震災から20年目を迎える節目となる2015年1月19日21:00 - 23:09にTBS系列にて放送された。
Hiroyoshi Takamori
Under the Nagasaki Sky
Detective Sone
Yuuki Hiyoshi
요시오카 스스무
汚職官僚連続殺人!!捜査検事に仕掛けられた女の罠!?東京~京都~富士、証言者を追う1000キロの旅 衝撃の結末 昭和35年、東京・赤坂のダンスホールで一人の踊り子が殺害される。東京地方検察庁の検事・小野木喬夫は、容疑者で建設省の役人・梨本秀雄を追って山梨へ。そこで小野木は、湖畔に一人たたずむ美しい女性と出会う。水底を見つめる姿はまるで樹海の日陰に咲く花のように切なく、漂うはかなさは死を連想させるほどで、小野木は思わず心を奪われてしまう。この出会いは、破滅への序章だった…。
Yoji Ando
刑事・加賀恭一郎が"新参者"として人形町に赴任する、約2年前のこと。 入院中である恭一郎の父・隆正の病室に、恭一郎のいとこで捜査一課の刑事・松宮脩平が見舞いに訪れる。闘病生活を送る隆正の楽しみは、看護師・金森登紀子との将棋。登紀子から恭一郎が見舞いに来ていないことを聞いた松宮は、恭一郎への不信感を募らせる。 一方、会社員・前原昭夫の電話に着信が。それは、普段はめったにかけてこない妻・八重子からで…。
Yukio Sonobe
関東一円を支配する巨大暴力団・山王会の関内会長は、傘下の池元組が麻薬を扱う村瀬組と兄弟杯を交わして親密になっていることを快く思っていなかった。そこで関内の右腕・加藤はこの2つの組を仲違いさせようと企て、池元に対して「村瀬を締めろ(軽い制裁を与えろ)」と無理な命令をする。兄弟分の村瀬に手を出せない池元は、配下の大友組に村瀬組を締めることを命令する。池元の二枚舌、山王会の思惑に翻弄されながらも、大友組は村瀬組を締めることに成功し、村瀬組は解散する。 池元の行動に不愉快を覚えつつ、大友は村瀬のシマを事実上継承し、大使館の闇カジノで成功を収める。一方、村瀬が隠れて麻薬を売っていることが発覚し、池元に唆された大友は村瀬を殺害する。ところが、このことを口実に池元は大友に破門を言い渡し、大友は怒りを露わにする。大友は復帰のため、関内の元を訪れ許しを請うが、逆に関内は池元の殺害を唆す。そこで大友は悪びれず闇カジノを訪れていた池元を殺害する。闇カジノを狙っていた関内は、今度は池元組若頭の小沢に、組を継ぎたければ親の仇を討てと煽り、大友組と池元組の抗争を仕掛ける。本家の手助けも得た小沢は、次々と大友組の組員を殺害し、彼らを追い詰めていく。
Sotaro Ubara
Minoru Kakinouchi
Nakajima Kesago
A true-story account of a German businessman who saved more than 200,000 Chinese during the Nanjing massacre in 1937-38.
Tetsushi Mashiba
Tomonori Sasaki
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
Blind man
Teacher Hotta
Set in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture in 1954, movie tells the tale of 14 year old boys: their friendships, fights among friends, and rebellions against the school. It also tells the story of the adults who live around the boys. This is a nostalgic, bitter, and sentimental journey into lives in the post-war environment.
Keiichi Aritsu
Drama about a young doctor.
プロのチェロ奏者として東京の管弦楽団に職を得た小林大悟。しかし、ある日突然楽団が解散し、夢を諦め、妻の美香とともに田舎の山形県酒田市へ帰ることにする。 就職先を探していた大悟は、新聞で「旅のお手伝い」と書かれたNKエージェントの求人広告を見つける。てっきり旅行代理店の求人と思い込み「高給保障」や「実労時間僅か」などの条件にも惹かれた大悟は面接へと向かう。面接した社長は履歴書もろくに見ず「うちでどっぷり働ける?」の質問だけで即「採用」と告げ、名刺まで作らせる。大悟はその業務内容が納棺(=No-Kan)と知り困惑するが、強引な社長に押し切られる形で就職することになる。しかし妻には「冠婚葬祭関係」としか言えず、結婚式場に就職したものと勘違いされてしまう。
Tsuruta Mayu visits the places of “good old Japan” and discovers profound attractions like Totoro and Spirited Away and also shows the charm of Ponyo.
Kuraudo Ohishi
Tsukaeru Miyabe
The arrival of a bride-to-be shakes a hapless ski resort and proves to the three young down-and-out local skiers that there is much more to life than they think.
Inuzuka (Hirotaro Honda), who asked about Mamiko (Rei Dan)'s disappeared father, Shinkichi (Ren Osugi), and her lover, Keiichi (Tetta Sugimoto), was murdered. A "letter" from her disappeared father holds the key.
はるか昔、賢帝歴三千四十八年、景光が魔物と契約してから20年後。とある街の酒場で、踊り子に化けた魔物と戦う青年・百鬼丸を目撃したコソ泥・どろろ。百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を魔物に奪われており、その欠けた箇所を義肢で補っていた。通りすがりの琵琶法師から百鬼丸の身の上話を聞いたどろろは、その左腕に仕込まれた魔物を爆発蒸散させることのできる妖刀に興味を持ち、つきまとうようになる。初めは鬱陶しがっていた百鬼丸だが、時を重ねていくうちにしだいに心を開き、共に魔物を倒し、元の身体を取り戻すための旅をする。 旅をしていく中で深まる二人の絆と、次々と明らかになってゆく百鬼丸の過去。どろろの両親の仇、醍醐景光とは何者か。何故百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を奪われたのか、百鬼丸の本当の両親は誰なのか。その謎が明かされたとき、物語は大きく動き出す。 父の野望のため身体を奪われし者、そして時の権力に両親を奪われし者、失われた身体と心を取り戻すための二人の旅は続く。
Steel-worker Saito Tetsuo, driven by an unexplained anxiety, steals bike after bike to move away from his hometown to Tokyo. Through snow-storms and empty landscapes, the breathtaking photography allows us to look deep into the mindscape of a man searching for an answer - although the question itself is never quite articulated.
Only a fool loves their body more than their soul! Masayuki and Kyoko's bodies had both started to age to the point where they no longer experienced sexual passion. They are a couple that shares the same bed while finding separate pleasures with their own sex toys. Masayuki was always reminded that his true understanding of love came from his high school ethics teacher and that teacher's wife. The incident occurred when Masayuki was only 17. When he became alone with her he impulsively craved her body, only to notice that on the other side of the sliding paper screen...
Self - Host
Ryuma Tsukumo
Tadashi Murakawa
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is murdered under odd circumstances in the title film, "Zoo"; twin sisters are treated differently in "Kazari and Yoko"; two siblings find themselves trapped in "Seven Rooms"; a survivor learns about life and death in "When the Sun Shines"; and parents lose the ability to see each other in "So Far."
Yoshio Ishiguro (story "Blonde Kwaidan")
Dark Tales of Japan is a collection of five short horror films that are directed by five notable Japanese film directors, which are told by a mysterious old lady in kimono on a late-night bus traveling on a long isolated mountain road.
Aki's Father
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is presented with an option: face another execution attempt or subject himself to their bizarre and dangerous experiments.
Lord Tokugawa Yorinobu
Japanese film directed by Jinsei Tsuji
Mr. Sugita
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
A young man decides one day to start killing yakuza. After he kills his first two he gets roped into helping a wannabe gangster and his bumbling underlings to perform a hit. While things work out in the beginning, this young psychopath quickly becomes more trouble than the gang expected. Will they be able to rid themselves of him, or will they be his next victims?
The police are tracking a man who shoots at people. But the young sister of a detective finds that he's not the mad vigilante portrayed in newspapers.
Yosuke Muraishi
During Muraishi's time in prison for fraud, he recalls his past and learns a power to penetrate and cure others. Upon release, he goes to Hakodate, where he can find his ex-wife, Kiriko. Though he cures a lot of people on the way and believes that he is the only one to make Kiriko happy, he is being depressed by discovering a guy together with her.
An odd journey starts as Mitsuru, a private detective, and a boy, whom a dying mobster entrusts to him, decide to go to northern Japan in search of the boy’s mother, and the detective’s buddy Hisashi joins them later.
Japanese lady gets framed for killing her man and is shipped off to prison in California. She escape and seek vengeance against those who wronged them.
Yoshihiko Takeda
Two married couples struggle to cope with their sex lives. Kenji and Misaki, a seemingly happy married couple, lead a sexless life. Misaki, whose numerous seductions have been turned down by her husband Kenji, longs for a way to solve their sexless marriage. On the other hand, Shoko, a career oriented woman, is annoyed by the constant sexual attention she receives from her husband Yoshihiko, who believes fulfilling Shoko’s sexual needs is the greatest expression of love. When a chance meeting brings Kenji and Shoko together in a passionate affair, they suddenly find themselves re-examining their lives and struggling to understand what is truly important.
Mogura, a shut-in former musician, falls in love with a young cellist after seeing her photo in a magazine.
The main hero of this film is the spirit of the once very popular wooden statuette called Billiken. It's a small god with a pointed head, a fat belly and a characteristic smile. When the casket in which the statuette was found is broken, the spirit of Billiken is free. After that he tries to fulfill the wishes of all those who had prayed to him, but it doesn't always works.
When a hooded stranger appears in private eye 'Mike' Hama's office with the cryptic challenge "I want you to look for me," Hama is drawn into a string of bizarre serial murders that have Yokohama's police baffled and the city terrified.
Takeuchi Kazuma
A Choice between Loyalty or Duty of the Samurai! Can the heartlessness of society crush the honor of an individual? In the spring of the 18th year of Kanei, Hosokawa Tadatoshi, feudal lord of the Higo area, died. Although Tadatoshi forbade his vassals to follow him in death before he died, they still committed seppuku one after the other. The new feudal lord, Mitsunao, Tadatoshi's son, also gave the order forbidding seppuku. Abe Yaichiemon obeyed his former lord's last wish but is now being called a coward by his comrades and finally decided to follow Tadatoshi in death in order to save his family's honor. Mitsunao, upset by Yaichiemon actions, punished the Abe family unfairly. Objected to this, the Abe family shut themselves up in their manor as the lords troops moved in. This is the true story of what happened within the Hosokawa clan in early Edo era.
A group of Japanese tourists try to forget their pasts and find themselves in India.
Broke, his vintage Nash convertible repossessed, private eye Mike Hama is reduced to combing the mean streets of the Yokohama waterfront on a borrowed bicycle. But when Lily, a beautiful stripper from out of Hama's past, returns to town, the fuse is lit on a criminal powder keg set to blow the lid off the Yokohama underworld.
A headmaster and a novelist, looking for inspiration, regard a strange natural phenomenon before sharing stories of their own.
Toshizo Hijikata
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, there was a cute warrior, Souji Okita, who belonged to the armed police of the shogunate in Kyoto. Very few knew that Souji was not a boy, but a woman. Souji loved the vice-leader of the armed police, Toshizou Hijikata. Souji suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and coughed up blood during a battle. Toshizou helped her but said that he did not care for the girl with a smell of blood. Souji had a real talent for swordsmanship and no one but Ryouma Sakamoto could compete with her. Ryouma was a liberal intellectual and tried to carry out a revolution without blood. However, the bloody Meiji Restoration broke out and Souji killed Ryouma who lost his dream. Because a friendship had sprung up between Toshizou and Ryouma, Toshizou got angry and slashed at Souji with a sword. Unwillingly, she unsheathed her sword and thought that she might get love if she was killed by the man she loved.
Adaptation of the traditional Japanese ghost story The Peony Lantern.
Toyoichi Otomo suffers from psychological and spiritual troubles after a horrific industrial accident. He lives with his elderly mother and wife near Mt. Aso in rural Kyushu. He seeks solace in a small religious group run by Buddhist nun Chishu-bo who claims to be the 68th descendant of famed 11th century poet Izumi Shikibu. The members of her sect regard her as a living saint. Yet instead of balming his soul, she riles his libido by playing a sexual cat-and-mouse game with the fragile Toyoichi. When she does bed him, it leads to a miracle healing -- followed by a terrible calamity.
Satoru Okamura
A violent action film depicting the success of a female investigator in the fight against drug syndicates.
A stylish light comedy about the “Banana boys”— two boys who were born and raised in Roppongi who are still growing up.
The adventures and tribulations of a group of students during the years following the II World War.
A boy seeks manhood in joining his school’s militaristic cheer squad.
At the time between the World Wars, Japan is involved in empire-building throughout East and Southeast Asia. After a brief career as a low-level military adventurer, Iheiji sets up chains of brothels throughout Asia. As Japan's power in the region grows, so does Iheiji's prosperity and patriotism.
Two childhood friends fall for the same boy.
Kikuo Katô
Takao, Yoshio's son
An old woman has died and her widower with dementia confesses to killing her. After this, the story goes back in time to show the events leading up to her death.
Masao Kanamishima
A photographer who takes pictures of a rendezvous between a politician, company president and yakuza boss is later found dead and the film missing.