Michael Strelow


舞台は1939年、ロサンゼルス。私立探偵フィリップ・マーロウのもとに現れたのは、見るからに裕福そうなブロンドの美女。「突然姿を消したかつての愛人を探してほしい」 ――依頼を引き受けたマーロウだったが、捜査を進めるにつれ映画産業が急成長する“ハリウッドの闇”に飲み込まれ・・・予測不能な展開の連続、探偵マーロウが辿り着く真相や如何に!?
WASP ネットワーク
FBI Agent - Stakeout #3
Megan Leavey
Doctor in Baghdad
The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two complete more than 100 missions and save countless lives, until an IED explosion puts their faithfulness to the test.
Megan Leavey
Doctorin Baghdad
The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two complete more than 100 missions and save countless lives, until an IED explosion puts their faithfulness to the test.
Being steadily crushed under the weight of debt, unemployment, and increasing isolation, Jim reaches a breaking point. Over a game of solitary Russian roulette he contemplates an unspeakable act of violence as a way of leaving his mark. He is stopped short by a vision of his deceased wife who convinces him that he should instead focus his remaining resources into an act of creation. Armed with his wife’s frozen eggs and a new resolve, Jim secures the services of a large biotech firm to help him create an heir who will be engineered to overcome the obstacles of common men.
Roads to Memphis
The wildly disparate yet fatefully entwined stories of assassin James Earl Ray and his target, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.