Wayne McLaughlin


Property Master
X-ファイル 真実を求めて
Property Master
Six years after the events of The X-Files series finale, former FBI agent Doctor Dana Scully is now a staff physician at Our Lady of Sorrows, a Catholic hospital, and treating a boy named Christian who has Sandhoff disease, a terminal brain condition. FBI agent Drummy arrives to ask Scully’s help in locating Fox Mulder, the fugitive former head of the X-Files division, and says they will call off its manhunt for him if he will help investigate the disappearances of several women, including young FBI agent Monica Banan. Mulder and Scully are called back to duty by the FBI when a former priest claims to be receiving psychic visions pertaining to a kidnapped agent.
ライトアップ! イルミネーション大戦争
Property Master
Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.
Property Master
Property Master
何一つ不自由のない暮らしで、奨学金も給付され大学に進学。その後も安定した生活を送っていた19歳のエミリー・ローズはある日の晩、大学寮で眠っていたところ奇妙な現象に襲われる。真夜中の午前3時、焦げ臭い匂いで目を覚ました彼女は突如として何かに押さえつけられるようにしてもがき苦しみだしたのだ。 その後、彼女には幻覚、幻聴が起こるようになる。そして遂には発狂してしまう。医学的治療を行なっても治る兆しを一向に見せない彼女は、それらを悪魔の仕業だと確信。地元の地区神父であるムーア神父に助けを求める。神父も事態を重く見て彼女を救うべく、祈りによって悪魔との対決を試みた。しかし結果は失敗。エミリーは死亡してしまう。 悪魔の存在は信じられることなく、エミリーの死亡はムーア神父によるものと疑いをかけられてしまい、神父は裁判で裁かれることになる。弁護士のエリンはそんなムーア神父を救うべく奔走する。
Property Master
Property Master
最初は、ジュリア(ローラリーガン)は、友人のビリー(ジョンアブラハムズ)が子供として持っていた恐ろしい悪夢について、彼女が「彼ら」に注意することを勧めながら、絶えず黙想することを真剣に受け止めません。 しかし、賢い女の子であるジュリアは、彼女の魅力的なボーイフレンドポール(マークブルーカス)だけに興味を持ち、勉強を終えています。 彼女が悪夢を見て、影に奇妙な形を見ると、彼女は子供の頃の恐怖から戻ってきた乗客にそれを責めます。 一方、ビリーの友人の2人、サム(イーサン・エンブリー)とテリー(ダグマラ・ドミンチク)は、ビリーの不安は十分に根拠があり、恐ろしい何かが起きようとしているという感覚を揺るがすことができないと信じ始めます。 突然、ビリーを恐怖に陥れるモンスターが現実のものとなり、ジュリアは心配して彼女の恐ろしいビジョンについて語ります。 その瞬間から、ポールを含む誰もが彼女がおかしいと疑い始めます。
Disturbing Behavior
Property Master
Steve Clark is a newcomer in the town of Cradle Bay, and he quickly realizes that there's something odd about his high school classmates. The clique known as the "Blue Ribbons" are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence and clean living. But, like the rest of the town, they're a little too perfect. When Steve's rebellious friend Gavin mysteriously joins their ranks, Steve searches for the truth with fellow misfit Rachel.
A Simple Wish
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Murray is a male fairy godmother, and he is trying to help 8-year-old Anabel to fulfil her "simple wish" - that her father Oliver, who is a cab driver, would win the leading role in a Broadway musical. Unfortunately, Murray's magic wand is broken and the fairies convention is threatened by evil witches Claudia and Boots.
A Simple Wish
Property Master
Murray is a male fairy godmother, and he is trying to help 8-year-old Anabel to fulfil her "simple wish" - that her father Oliver, who is a cab driver, would win the leading role in a Broadway musical. Unfortunately, Murray's magic wand is broken and the fairies convention is threatened by evil witches Claudia and Boots.
Blood River
Property Master
Jimmy Pearls, a directionless young drifter, kills Henry Logan's son and two other men after he found out that they murdered Jimmy's parents for their land. Trying to get away from Logan's vengeance, he goes to ground in the mountains and meets Winston Patrick Culler, an old trapper, who becomes his traveling companion and protector. Jimmy doesn't understand though why Culler is helping him...
Narrow Margin
Property Master
An L.A. District Attorney attempts to take an unwilling murder witness back to the United States to testify against a top-level mob boss. Frantically attempting to escape two deadly hitmen sent to silence her, they board a Vancouver-bound train only to discover that the killers are onboard with them. For the next 20 hours, as the train hurls through the beautiful but isolated Canadian wilderness, a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues in which their ability to tell friend from foe is a matter of life and death.
Perry Mason: The Case of the Notorious Nun
Property Master
A priest is murdered and the main suspect is a nun.
A Piano for Mrs. Cimino
Property Master
An elderly widow must find meaning and activity in her life when her son suggests she is no longer capable of handling her own affairs.