Smokey Cloud


The Bikeriders
First Assistant Sound Editor
Kathy, a strong-willed member of the Vandals who's married to a wild, reckless bikerider named Benny, recounts the Vandals' evolution over the course of a decade, beginning as a local club of outsiders united by good times, rumbling bikes and respect for their strong, steady leader Johnny. As life in the Vandals gets more dangerous, and the club threatens to become a more sinister gang, Kathy, Benny and Johnny are forced to make choices about their loyalty to the club and to each other.
First Assistant Sound Editor
Dutch coach Thomas Rongen attempts the nearly impossible task of turning the American Samoa soccer team from perennial losers into winners.
First Assistant Sound Editor
About My Father
First Assistant Sound Editor
Encouraged by his fiancée, Sebastian brings his immigrant, hairdresser father, Salvo, to a weekend get-together with Ellie's super-rich and exceedingly eccentric family.
Assistant Sound Editor
First Assistant Sound Editor
First Assistant Sound Editor
When her mother disappears while on vacation in Colombia with her new boyfriend, June’s search for answers is hindered by international red tape. Stuck thousands of miles away in Los Angeles, June creatively uses all the latest technology at her fingertips to try and find her before it’s too late. But as she digs deeper, her digital sleuthing raises more questions than answers... and when June unravels secrets about her mom, she discovers that she never really knew her at all.
First Assistant Sound Editor
First Assistant Sound Editor
First Assistant Sound Editor
A journalist and podcaster from New York City travels to West Texas in order to report on the death of a girl he was hooking up with.
THE BATMAN-ザ・バットマン-
First Assistant Sound Editor
Vacation Friends
First Assistant Sound Editor
When a straight-laced couple that has fun with a rowdy couple on vacation in Mexico return to the States, they discover that the crazy couple they met in Mexico followed them back home and decide to play tricks on them.
First Assistant Sound Editor
Assistant Sound Editor
After a disease kills 98% of America's children, the surviving 2% develop superpowers and are placed in internment camps. A 16-year-old girl escapes her camp and joins a group of other teens on the run from the government.
First Assistant Sound Editor
Assistant Sound Editor
After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him.
First Assistant Sound Editor
ピエール・ブール原作のSF映画の金字塔「猿の惑星」を基に、その起源となる人類文明崩壊への道のりを明らかにしていくSFアクション大作。  アメリカ、サンフランシスコ。製薬会社の研究所でアルツハイマー治療の研究をする神経科学者、ウィル・ロッドマンは、開発中の新薬を投与したチンパンジーの知能が驚異的に発達したことを確認し、その成果を発表する。しかし、そのチンパンジーは突然暴れ出し警備員によって射殺されてしまう。事態を重く見た所長によってプロジェクトは中止を余儀なくされるが、射殺されたチンパンジーは妊娠中だったことから、ウィルは生まれたばかりの赤ん坊を秘かに引き取るとシーザーと名付け、自ら育てることに。そして、次第にウィルとシーザーのあいだに人間の親子のような絆が芽生えていく。その一方で、シーザーは並外れた知性を発揮し始めていく。ところが、すっかり成長したシーザーはある日、ウィルの父を助けようとして隣人とトラブルを起こしてしまう。それが原因でウィルと引き離され、類人猿保護施設の檻の中で屈辱と絶望の日々を送ることになるシーザーだったが…。
X-ファイル 真実を求めて
Assistant Sound Editor
Six years after the events of The X-Files series finale, former FBI agent Doctor Dana Scully is now a staff physician at Our Lady of Sorrows, a Catholic hospital, and treating a boy named Christian who has Sandhoff disease, a terminal brain condition. FBI agent Drummy arrives to ask Scully’s help in locating Fox Mulder, the fugitive former head of the X-Files division, and says they will call off its manhunt for him if he will help investigate the disappearances of several women, including young FBI agent Monica Banan. Mulder and Scully are called back to duty by the FBI when a former priest claims to be receiving psychic visions pertaining to a kidnapped agent.
Gガール 破壊的な彼女