Jeff Sanca

Jeff Sanca

出生 : 1974-07-03, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Jeff Sanca


ソニック・ザ・ムービー/ソニック VS ナックルズ
Stunt Driver
ソニック・ザ・ムービー/ソニック VS ナックルズ
Armored Truck Driver
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
Little Fish
Bus Driver
A couple fights to hold their relationship together as a memory loss virus spreads and threatens to erase the history of their love and courtship.
Minivan Dad
宇宙の果てにある平和な島で暮らし、砂浜やループコースターを驚異的なスピードで駆け抜けるソニックは、そのスーパーパワーを狙われたため地球に逃げてきていた。10年後、安全に生活していたソニックは、世界征服を企てる悪の天才科学者のドクター・ロボトニック に目をつけられ、保安官のトム に救いを求める。
Stunt Driver
A crew of rugged firefighters meet their match when attempting to rescue three rambunctious kids.
Bus Driver
Stunt Driver
Stunt Driver
A Mother's Instinct
Stunt Coordinator
When a woman’s son goes missing and the prime suspect is released due to lack of evidence, she and her teenage daughter decide to play vigilante.
Dead Rising: Watchtower
A group of people fight to survive in a zombie infested town.
My Life as a Dead Girl
Stunt Coordinator
When runaway teenager Chelsea is mistakenly killed by her friend Brittany's pimp, Brittany returns to what remains of the family Chelsea left years ago. Brittany's doing her best to get by under her assumed identity, until the truth begins to emerge. Then the vengeful pimp shows up.
Wedding Planner Mystery
Stunt Driver
Wedding Planner Mystery follows the exploits of a quirky but lovable event planner who makes murder as fun as can be. Homicide doesn't follow our heroine; she seeks it out. Using her circle of contacts, her friendship with a reporter and the same research skills that enable her to plan distinctive events - if an unsolved murder occurs in Seattle, Carnegie will find out about it.
ネバー・サレンダー 肉弾無双
A Marine must do whatever it takes to save his kidnapped sister and stop a terrorist attack masterminded by a radical militia group.
Stunt Coordinator
ECSTASY is a contemporary and relevant film about how drugs transcend all borders of society and affect every facet of our lives. But when it leaves it takes away your soul. A new party drug arrives on the rave scene in a college town and is consumed openly by young people. It's irresistible making you feel invincible, beautiful, intelligent and loved. This haunting psychological thriller centers around a mother's struggle to save her daughters from going down the same dark path she once took, a handsome jock's (Charlie Bewley, from "Twilight - New Moon") misplaced faith in God stemming from the temptations that surrounds him, and three college girls horrific experience with their drug-induced guilt, fears and demons
Stranger with My Face
Stunt Driver
After the shocking and untimely death of her husband, Shelley Stratton (Catherine Hicks) moves her daughter Alexis (Emily Hurst) and her adopted daughter, Laurie (Alexz Johnson), to their remote summer house in hopes of giving her family a fresh start. As Laurie begins to settle in and put her life back together, she gets the eerie feeling that she is constantly being watched. Laurie's uneasiness grows when people start claiming to see her in places that she has never been. The family's delicate state begins to unravel when Laurie unearths the dark past, discovering a twin sister that she never knew she had. Laurie is forced to delve deeper into her twin's secrets, for as it turns out her twin has been locked up for years! Laurie must now understand their strange connection in order to prevent her sister from taking over her life and harming her loved ones. Based on the book by author Lois Duncan
X-ファイル 真実を求めて
Six years after the events of The X-Files series finale, former FBI agent Doctor Dana Scully is now a staff physician at Our Lady of Sorrows, a Catholic hospital, and treating a boy named Christian who has Sandhoff disease, a terminal brain condition. FBI agent Drummy arrives to ask Scully’s help in locating Fox Mulder, the fugitive former head of the X-Files division, and says they will call off its manhunt for him if he will help investigate the disappearances of several women, including young FBI agent Monica Banan. Mulder and Scully are called back to duty by the FBI when a former priest claims to be receiving psychic visions pertaining to a kidnapped agent.
X-MEN:ファイナル ディシジョン
時は20年前。ジーン・グレイは、プロフェッサーXに底知れない能力を見出され、それを操るべく「恵まれし者の学園」に彼女の居場所を与えた。 その10年後、とある大企業の社長の息子が思春期を迎え背中に翼が生え始めた。社長、ワージントンは、息子を普通の人間に戻そうとミュータント治療薬「キュア」を作り上げた。果たしてミュータントであることは病気なのか。ミュータント達の蟠りとマグニートーの作為が人類とミュータントの戦争を起こそうとしていた。