Robert Seay

Robert Seay


Robert Seay


A tale of sacrifice and showmanship told through rival doctors in the old west.
Jack Verlaine
Hired to enact revenge on a man who savagely beat a beautiful Russian débutant, Jack Verlaine is pressed between his newly acquired job and a persistent man named, Brill, who offers him a chance to advance higher in his seedy career. But when an estranged lover reappears in Verlaine's regimented existence, he soon realizes the new elements in his life may be just a plot to uncover his true identity.
The Guest
The Man
A lonely woman and a mysterious intruder get more than they bargained for when a quiet evening proves to be deadlier than either of them could have imagined.
A Golden Christmas
After a magical summer together, a nine-year-old boy whispers his heart into the ear of a best friend. With a loyal, golden dog by their side, the boy and girl bury a time capsule of keepsakes and then go their separate ways. Years later, looking for a fresh start, a man and woman each return to the place they felt most at home as a child. But a comedic case of unknown identity has them competing for the same childhood memories and Christmas escapades ensue. For the sake of their happiness, they must discover their common past before they turn each other's lives completely upside down. Can a golden dog lead them home?
ケイデン・コタードはニューヨークに住む劇作家。平凡だった彼の日常は、ある日を境に変わっていく。 額を切って病院へ行けば、原因不明の病気と診断され、家族からは、自分が演出した自信満々の舞台をけなされる。 夫婦仲も上手くいかず、遂には愛する妻と娘に捨てられてしまう。新しい恋人を作ろうとするも、優柔不断で逃げられて…。 そんな失敗続きで、人生に嫌気がさしていた彼の元に、マッカーサー・フェロー賞(別名“天才賞”)を受賞した知らせが届く。 大金と名誉を手に入れた彼は、人生をやり直そうとそのすべてを注ぎ込んだ、一世一代のプロジェクトを実行する。 それは、自分の頭の中に思い描いた理想のニューヨークを本物のニューヨークの中にもう一つ作り、誰も見たことのない舞台を上演する事だった。