Yasuteru Iwase


サイバーシティ OEDO 808
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
銀河英雄伝説: わが征くは星の大海
Yamazaki Ryouhei is a cool twenty-three year old, with an extremely high sex drive. A smooth talker with the lady killing eyes and a winning smile, we follow him in his never-ending search for the perfect woman. When Yamazaki catches the eye of the beautiful senior editor, Oda Yuki, you know he's not just going far, he's going all the way. He lucks into a job at Potato Boy magazine that seems just made for him, but just how far can you get if your only hobby is looking at naked women? Now he's aiming for the top, turning Potato Boy magazine into one hell of a publication. No one expected things to get so hot, so quickly, but Yamazaki knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Don't think he will take no for an answer!
80年代の若者文化を先導していた人気作家・片岡義男の同名小説を、マンガ家・吉田秋生のキャラクターデザインによりアニメ映画化。  バイク好きの高校生・野村昭彦のあだ名はボビー。雑誌の誌面に載ったことをきっかけにして同い年の少女と文通を始めたり、仲間が集まる店でバイトを始めたりと、それなりに青春を謳歌していた。やがて父に対する反発心から家を飛び出したボビーの揺れる心は、会ったこともない文通相手への想いに支配されていく……。
物語は、広島県広島市舟入本町(現在の広島市中区舟入本町)に住む国民学校2年生の主人公・中岡元(なかおか げん “以下、ゲン”)が、当時日本と交戦していたアメリカ軍により1945年8月6日に投下された原爆で、父・大吉(だいきち)、姉・英子(えいこ)、弟・進次(しんじ)の3人を亡くしながらも、たくましく生きる姿を描く。