Mayuko Iwasa
出生 : 1987-02-24, Nerima, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Iwasa Mayuko is a former Japanese actress and entertainer born in Tokyo. She formerly belonged to Platinum Productions. As an actress, she is best known for her roles in "Galcir" and "Deep Love".
She was scouted in Shibuya in 2003. At the age of 16, she was selected as "Miss Magazine 2003" and made her debut in the entertainment world. She was an active and popular gravure model for a time.
As an actress, she starred in the 2004 TV series "Deep Love". That same year, she won the 42nd Golden Arrow Graph Award for her success as a gravure model. In 2014, she won the 23rd Japanese Professional Movie Awards for Emerging Actress for her performance in "Passion (Junan)".
On October 1, 2020, she reported on her own Instagram her retirement from the entertainment world. At the end of September of the same year, she revealed that after retiring, she would work towards being a long-term care worker.
Kosugi Mie
An omnibus featuring four stories about the four seasons.
A quiet woman receives a social media request from a middle-school friend, who she doesn’t remember fondly. The two meet at a hotel’s restaurant where they find a room numbered 666 containing Rokuroku, a long-neck woman wearing a red kimono.
Ayako Hayata
Harumi Tomioka
Cyborg 009-1 / Mylene Hoffman
Three female idols appear on a television show to investigate an exorcism. An exorcist with psychic powers named Unsui claims that the show’s subjects, the Kaneda family, are cursed by a demon that’s too powerful for him to banish on his own, so he calls in a fellow exorcist to help. Soon, a reckless ghost hunter enters the fray as the three idols witness a series of terrifying events.
Yumeko Hoshino
TVシリーズではブラジラとの死闘を繰り広げ、クライマックスを迎えたゴセイジャー。映画では、夏に大ヒットの興行成績を収め、冬には “護星天使"と“侍“という全くタイプの異なる2大スーパー戦隊で夢の競演を果たした。そして、スーパー戦隊シリーズ35作・東映創立60周年記念イヤーの今年、2011年5月に「ゴーカイジャー ゴセイジャースーパー戦隊ヒーロー199ヒーロー大決戦(仮)」記念映画が公開決定。スーパー戦隊シリーズ初の「夏・冬・春」3作連続、映画で大活躍するゴセイジャー。TV放送終了後の記念映画化決定で、まだまだゴセイジャー人気が続く中、そんな熱いファンの声に応え、単独Vシネマが6月にリリース。TVシリーズ最終回放送後のゴセイジャーは一体どうなっているのか・・・!? 5人を襲った最後にして最強の敵とは・・・!? テレビや映画では絶対に観られない、ファン必見のVシネマ版完全オリジナル新作で、ゴセイジャーが再び、降臨!
Three tales of love told through wildly intoxicating, colorful stories. When platinum redhead Ovreneli Vreneligare was just a little boy, he fell in love in the park. Sharing a juice box with the stunningly gorgeous Milocrorze, he took her home to his cat, Verandola Gorgonzola, and made her his girlfriend until the fickle beauty abandoned him, and he covered the hole in his heart with a pot lid he found lying on the ground. This is only the beginning of his story but it’s not the end of his heartbreak. MILOCRORZE: A LOVE STORY is a candy-flavored anthology of hopeless l’amour, and it has many victims.
A popular fashion model, Hikari Fujimi, has more than one identity. To avenge her parents, who were killed by the leader of a crime syndicate, she received training to become an assassin from Nirasaki, her father’s right-hand man. With multiple personalities-- herself; a woman with superhuman skills; and an innocent girl who repents her sins-- she changes at will.
Yukie Sawada
Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town in Gifu. The oldest sister, Yukie Sawada, is engaged to be married, the middle sister, Sachiko works at a beauty salon and the youngest, Mayu, is on the track team in high school. Their happy, carefree lives are changed forever when Yukie's ex-boyfriend Suzuki commits an atrocious crime. Half-crazed and bent on revenge against the Sawada family, Suzuki mistakes Mayu for Yukie and pours acid all over her face. Overwhelmed by physical and psychological trauma, Mayu sinks deeper into depression and isolation, unresponsive to her sisters encouragement. Meanwhile, chilling news of a serial murderer, who preys on the alumni of Mayu's high school, sends shockwaves through their small town...
Suzuki Sonoko
Shinichi Kudo returns as the young Conan to investigate a murderous letter sent to a beauty pageant winner who demands affection.
Suzuki Sonoko
In order to uphold his title of High School Detective, a teen sleuth must protect his classmates from kidnapping after receiving a threatening letter.
Recently graduated from high school, 17-year-old Shiro (Yagira Yuya) decides to put off college and work at a gas station instead. Shy and introspective, Shiro understands he is at a turning point of his life, but is unsure of what lies ahead. Though his parents disapprove of his decision, he has the support of his flower child grandmother (Natsuki Mari) who declares that a gas station is a romantic place for life's drifters. Surely enough, soon a new co-worker, college student Noriko (Erika Sawajiri), drifts into Shiro's life. He falls headfirst into a bittersweet first love that ushers him into the world of adulthood.
お茶汲みOL・ゆうこはいい加滅なカフェ店員。ユタカのことが好き。初めてユタカと寝た日、ゆうこはユタカにみどりという彼女がいることを知った。ユタカに嫌われたくない一心で何も言えないゆうこは、ユタカにすすめられるがまま、スナックでホステスのバイトを始める。お互いの電話番号も知らないまま、二人の畷昧な関係は続いて行くが…。 軽くてだらしなくてデリカシーのない男。でも好きになってしまう、彼の磁力にとらわれてしまう。他に優しい男ならいくらでもいる。でも彼じゃないとだめなんだ、なんでだろう。 リアルで切ない恋愛模様を描かせたら右に出るものはいない南Q太の傑作コミック『さよならみどりちゃん』、待望の映画化である。
東北地方の山河高校の、落ちこぼれ学生だった友子ら13人の女子生徒は、夏休みの補習授業をサボるために、食中毒で入院した吹奏楽部のピンチヒッターに応募する。 唯一、食中毒を免れた気の弱い吹奏楽部員・拓雄の指導で、ビッグバンドジャズをはじめた友子らは、次第に演奏の楽しさに目覚め、ジャズにのめりこんでいく。しかし、吹奏楽部員が退院して復帰したため、あえなくお払い箱になってしまう。 2学期になった友子らは、演奏の楽しさが忘れられず、バンドを結成し、楽器を買うためにアルバイトに精を出して、失敗したり四苦八苦しながら、ビッグバンドジャズにのめりこんでいく。
Set in a house in the suburbs, the film uses black humor to depict the horrors caused by a strange drainage pipe that drags people in.