Yoshifumi Ikeda


A young couple, Tomio and Madoka, decide to get married. Madoka convinces Tomio to visit a fortune teller to have their future foretold. Tomio is immediately attracted to the seductive psychic and returns to her late one night. When he comes to his senses and rejects her out of guilt. He tries to leave, and in frustration she puts a curse on him. Now, Tomio roams the streets trying to, literally, keep his head on straight!
高校1年生の荒方透留(標 永久)は親戚の家に下宿しているが、何とこの家は全員女性のパラダイスだった!ある日、夕食に嫌いなイクラが出され、恐る恐る食べてみたところ、体が透明に。不思議な能力を身に付けた透留は、密かに思いを寄せる次女の良江(栁本絵美)のムフフな秘密を覗こうと動き出す。そんなある日、隣家の陽子(村上友梨)宅へ出掛けたまま良江が行方不明になり...。
Tales of Terror from Tokyo and All Over Japan: Volume 3, Part 2
A new season of the acclaimed series finishes with these twenty sensational shorts capturing the essence of psychological terror with chilling visuals.