Richard Shaw

出生 : 1920-11-19, London, England, UK

死亡 : 2010-04-11


Watchers X
For years, there has been an on-going effort to get samples to perform DNA testing on the Peruvian skulls and other organic creatures. Bureaucratic red tape, the TSA, and other roadblocks have prevented it. But now, after decades of being hidden in a box in Oregon, a huge Peruvian skull is found — one that has been in the U.S. for so long it became available for DNA testing. Along with this, the red hairs from the baby mummy (WATCHERS 8) and three other skulls were tested. The origins of the elongated-skull people are finally known scientifically.
Watchers X
For years, there has been an on-going effort to get samples to perform DNA testing on the Peruvian skulls and other organic creatures. Bureaucratic red tape, the TSA, and other roadblocks have prevented it. But now, after decades of being hidden in a box in Oregon, a huge Peruvian skull is found — one that has been in the U.S. for so long it became available for DNA testing. Along with this, the red hairs from the baby mummy (WATCHERS 8) and three other skulls were tested. The origins of the elongated-skull people are finally known scientifically.
Watchers 1: UFOs are Real, Burgeoning, and Not Going Away
LA Marzulli examines the leading questions about UFOs, entities, and related unexplained mysteries in this video documentary, with special guest Dr. Roger Leir, the surgeon who has removed implants from 16 patients.
Give Us Tomorrow
1st Bank Robber
Masked intruders take the family of a bank manager hostage in order to rob his bank.
Doctor Who: Underworld
On the edge of the universe, the Doctor, Leela and K9 encounter a Minyan ship on an epic quest to find their race banks... but their people have encountered the Time Lords before...
Doctor Who: Frontier in Space
In the 26th century, the Doctor and Jo uncover a plot by the Master to provoke an interplanetary war between Earth and Draconia.
I Am a Groupie
A bored teenage girl decides that she wants to meet rock stars, and the best way to do that is to become a groupie. She finds herself going on the road with a rock band called Opal Butterfly, and soon discovers that being a rock band's groupie isn't as glamorous or exciting as she thought it would be.
German Officer Who Seals the Bunker (uncredited)
占領下のフランス、ドイツ軍司令部を壊滅させるため、12人の囚人による特殊部隊が組織された。目指すは鉄壁の防御を誇る古城。彼らは命を顧みず、敵地深く潜入するが……。 いずれ劣らぬクセ者俳優たちが、それぞれのプロフェッショナルぶりを発揮する傑作アクション。
Carry On Don't Lose Your Head
Captain of Soldiers
The time of the French revolution, and Citizen Robespierre is beheading the French aristocracy. When word gets to England, two noblemen, Sir Rodney Ffing and Lord Darcy Pue take it upon themselves to aid their French counterparts. Sir Rodney is a master of disguise, and becomes "The Black Fingernail", scourge of Camembert and Bidet, leaders of the French secret police.
Doctor Who: The Space Museum
On the planet Xeros, the TARDIS crew discover their own future selves frozen in time as exhibits in a galactic museum and must avert this potential future.
A Tap on the Shoulder
Ken's Loach's first production for The Wednesday Play is a story of a group of criminals planning a robbery, with the unwitting aid of a wealthy, well-connected society acquaintance. But who is the greater villain?
Johanson, Norwegian Resistance (uncredited)
An ex-convict who's built a respectable post-prison life for himself as an engineer discovers that a past is a hard thing to shake. When old "friends" contact the former prisoner, it's not long before the gone-straight baddie finds himself being blackmailed into taking part in a major jewelry theft.
Bottoms Up!
2nd Man
An incompetent boarding school headmaster, Professor Jim Edwards, devises a bizarre plot to raise the profile of his boarding school, and thus save his job, by passing off his bookie's son as a Middle Eastern prince. The headmaster's madcap scheme is further complicated when an official from the Foreign Office arrives and announces that a real prince is to be placed under Edwards supervision, not due to the schools lofty reputation, but that a gang of kidnappers are unlikely to look for the regal child there.
First Man into Space
The first pilot to leave Earth's atmosphere lands, then vanishes; but something with a craving for blood prowls the countryside...
Hidden Homicide
A novelist wakes up with a gun in his hand and a corpse in the house he woke up in. He doesn't remember how he got there or even if he committed the killing.
No Trees in the Street
Based on the play by Ted Willis, the film is set in the years just before World War II, when England hadn't completely dug itself out of the worldwide depression. Melvyn Hayes is featured as an aimless teenager, who tries to escape his squalid surroundings by entering a life of crime. He falls in with local hoodlum Herbert Lom, who holds the rest of the slum citizens in the grip of fear including Hayes' own family. No Trees in the Street chronicles Hayes' sordid progress from nickel-and-dime thefts to murder.
Date with Disaster
Ken Prescott
A car salesman and suspected safecracker Miles saves his fiancee Sue from those who would kidnap her.
Man from Tangier
International crook Armstrong flees post-war Tangier with priceless forgery plates and is pursued to London where he accidentally swaps coats in a barber's shop with film actor Chuck Collins, setting off a train of events.
Butler (uncredited)
革命のため国を追われたイゴール・シャドフ王(King Igor Shahdov)(チャールズ・チャップリン)は、ほぼ無一文でニューヨークにやって来るが、同行した首相に証券類までも盗まれてしまう。王は原子力を使ってユートピアを創るという自分のアイデアを実現させるべく、原子力委員会と接触を図る。ある夕食会で(王に無断でテレビ中継されていた)、演劇の経験があることを明らかにしたため、その後、テレビコマーシャルへの出演依頼が殺到する。最初は気のすすまぬ王であったが、後に生活資金を得るためいくつかのコマーシャルに出演する。ある進歩主義学校を訪問した王は、ルパート・マカビーという10歳の少年(マイケル・チャップリン)に会う。彼は学校新聞の編集者で歴史に造詣が深く、王にアナキズム的な講釈を行う。ルパートはいかなる政府も信用しないと述べるが、両親は共産党員であった。次第に王自身が共産党員であると疑われるようになり、マッカーシーの下院非米活動委員会(当時アメリカで赤狩りを行っていた委員会)に喚問される。王の容疑は晴れ、離婚して今はパリにいる元王妃と再会する決意をする。しかし、ルパートの両親は投獄され、委員会は少年に両親の友人達の名前を密告するよう迫る。少年は王と再会した際、両親の友人の名を密告したことで「愛国者」と称えられるが、罪の意識に苛まれ苦しんでいた。王は赤狩りのばかばかしさにあきれ、少年に両親と共にヨーロッパに来るよう招待する。
The Big Chance
Airport Official
A clerk sees his big chance to escape a humdrum existence, but his resolve is tested as many unexpected obstacles arise.
Booby Trap
An absent minded professor invents a pen that will explode on the sound of bells, then leaves it in a taxi
West of Suez
In this suspense movie, a Yankee mercenary is hired to blow up an Arab dignitary.
The Hide-Out
An insurance investigator in London attempts to thwart smugglers trafficking stolen lambskins infected with anthrax.
The Large Rope
Father of Young Girls
After being framed for a murder he didn't commit, Tom Penney (Donald Houston) serves his time and returns to his rural English home to establish a quiet life. When another victim is found, however, Tom is blamed for the crime and flees rather than returnng to prison. Hoping to find the real killer -- or killers -- Tom investigates while keeping a low profile to elude his pursuers, and a vital clue leads him on the path to possible redemption.
The Gambler and the Lady
A greedy but successful professional gambler wants to join the British Establishment when he falls in love with a blue-blooded lady. But first he must mend his ways and then dump his nightclub singer girl friend. She's not so easy to get rid of, neither is his past.
The Hour of 13
The 'Terror'
1890, London, and a serial killer known as The Terror is murdering policemen. When gentleman thief Nicholas Revel unwittingly becomes the chief suspect, he must use his guile and wits to prove he’s not the killer; whilst also not getting caught for a jewel robbery he has just committed.
The Hour of 13
The Terror
1890, London, and a serial killer known as The Terror is murdering policemen. When gentleman thief Nicholas Revel unwittingly becomes the chief suspect, he must use his guile and wits to prove he’s not the killer; whilst also not getting caught for a jewel robbery he has just committed.