The story follows the two sisters Melissa and Emily, the former who accidentally killed her husband Alan and the latter who agrees to help her bury her husband in the desert. While there, they encounter a trucker who hates his dogs and takes a special dislike to the sisters, a Park Ranger who takes a shine to Melissa and finally a strange, homeless man who thinks he is in a soap opera. While Melissa and Emily try their best to find a suitable place to bury Alan, much of their history is revealed and the day in the desert has a great impact on their lives.
The L.A. dog walking scene provides a colorful backdrop for the story of Ellie Moore, damaged goods on the run from her latest abusive boyfriend and on the verge of transformation. She's helped along in that process by Betsy Wright, a misanthropic dog-walker in need of help with her business and struggling with her own dark past.
After falling victim to a burglar, Nelson, a wealthy businessman, takes a trip to the desert with his wife Margo and lawyer/friend Jack. The trip takes an unexpected turn when Jack helps Nelson over a cliff. Jack and Margo return to the site with the sheriff only to discover Nelson's body is missing, indicating he is still alive. As Nelson struggles to survive against madness and the elements, two separate searches for him are conducted--one by an increasingly suspicious sheriff and the other by the treacherous Margo and Jack.
After falling victim to a burglar, Nelson, a wealthy businessman, takes a trip to the desert with his wife Margo and lawyer/friend Jack. The trip takes an unexpected turn when Jack helps Nelson over a cliff. Jack and Margo return to the site with the sheriff only to discover Nelson's body is missing, indicating he is still alive. As Nelson struggles to survive against madness and the elements, two separate searches for him are conducted--one by an increasingly suspicious sheriff and the other by the treacherous Margo and Jack.
During a piano lesson, a music teacher discovers a harmless spider, so she calls in The Exterminator.