Wu Nien's father
During a period of upheaval, an itinerant performer has a troupe of four children, one of whom is his daughter Mu-Lin. Jump ahead 15 years, he's ready to retire and has arranged Mu-Lin's marriage. Someone he recognizes enters his house and murders him. Mu-Lin is brought to a fancy bordello where the most beautiful prostitute, Yeh Hong, takes a special interest in her. One of Yeh Hong's lovers, Kim, who is an assassin, also develops a relationship with Mu-Lin. He and Yeh Hong may be working with the emperor's eunuch; all are power hungry. Things seem more than coincidental: does Mu-Lin have a history with this trio? If so, what is it?
A story of a girl haunted by the ghost of her mother, after witnessing her murder.
Taiwanese horror.
Dogegg's father
The history begins in a small small village. The son lives with the father, and the daughter with mother, their parents constantly are at enmity and clash, bringing the matter to fights. Young people love each other, but their parents aren't happy with it and suggest them to go to the city to find to itself soulmates and it isn't simple to find halves, but also to be enriched with a money, and together with it to find the run-away parents. Searches are vain, they only find adventures on the fifth point and are got involved in fight with local бандюгами then them put in a monkey house. By accident they are found by the run-away parents, but problems becomes even more. Any yaposhka snub sporting goods store of their parents, causing them on any foolish competitions which also win and thus doing of their parents of full suckers...
Taiwan's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1984
Action-war from Taiwan.
Taiwanese romance film.
One-eyed man
Chen Kuan-Tai and Mang Fei team up to bring justice to a ruthless gang of martial arts experts.
Chan Chi
Chan Hui Lau stars in this vintage martial arts film as Chang, the owner of a winery and master of Drunken Boxing, a deadly kung fu technique that, as the name implies, requires its practitioner to be drunk. His relatively peaceful life is interrupted when he catches two boys (Li Yi Min and Jack Long) stealing grapes from his vineyards and puts them to work for him. Over time, he teaches them the art of Drunken Boxing. When the two boys get into a fight with some local toughs, they provoke the wrath of Yeh Hu (Lung Fei), Chang's enemy.
Bloody Rain assassin chief
総督の60歳の誕生日を祝う宴会でにぎわうチーフォン家。そこに、総督の息子、シャオレイが現れ、歓談していた客人を追い払ってしまう。怒る父親にシャオレイは「人面桃蜂党がやってくる」と告げる。15年前、総督によって退治された盗賊団、人面桃蜂党の首領の娘、ディンが、殺された両親の復讐のために街に戻ってきたのだ。シャオレイは、自分の子をお腹に宿した恋人チェンチェンに対してわざと冷たく振る舞い、彼女が家を出ていくよう仕向ける一方、自分はすでに決死の覚悟を決めていた。そしてその晩、冷酷無比な人面桃蜂党が現れる。チーフォン家は皆殺しにされるが、シャオレイだけは一命を取り留める。そして彼は信頼する友と一緒にいるはずにチェンチェンを追いかけて旅に出ることに。その道中シャオレイは、思いも寄らない陰謀、愛、裏切りに出会うことになる…。 ロー・ウェイ監督に見込まれたジャッキー・チェンが現在と同じ成龍という芸名となってから3本目の主演作で、シリアスな物語と力強いカンフーシーンが印象的な時代劇。武侠映画の巨匠監督キン・フー作品でお馴染みの名女優シュー・フォンが、ジャッキー扮する主人公に愛憎を抱く無敵の女剣士を見事に演じ、作品に風格を与えている。
Master Zhu
An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks
Iron Palm
Mi Wey is a local hero named after "Killer Meteors", his secret weapon which makes him invincible. However, when "Immortal" Wa Wu Bin, another powerful local character seeks his assistance, Killer Meteor will face the greatest and the deadliest challenge of his life.
White Brows
Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.
Taiwanese fantasy film inspired by one of China's Four Great Folktales; Legend of the White Snake (AKA Madame White Snake).
A young girl witnesses the massacre of her family at the hands of cold blooded kung fu killers. She spends the next ten years mastering the martial arts in order to avenge her family tracking down the killers one by one and dispatching them in fine martial art style.
When Ghostly Face (a good guy who wears a monster mask) kills a woman's father and steals his sword, she sets off for revenge. She is unaware that Ghostly Face isn't the killer, but has been set up a a band of pirates. Along the way the woman rescues a girl who was taken by the pirates and the pair set off together to find out whats really going on.
During the Manchu (Qing) Dynasty, a mainland Chinese patriot becomes a one-man resistance force to defend a timber works against the invading Japanese army.
Martian arts film from Taiwain directed by Kim Lung.
Yan Mai-Ling
Desperately requesting help and money for his ailing mother, little Erhfutzu receives help from Miss Yun and her company that then moves on. Finding his mother murdered soon thereafter, we cut to Erhfutzu as an adult (Steve Chan), now a swordsman known as Scabbed Tiger and out to revenge the death of his mother. Seeking someone with a particular piece of jade, he finds the one and promptly executes his plan. Bumping into the servant and daughter (Yeung Mung-Wa) of Miss Yun later on, she is grieving the death of her father and as it turns out, it's the victim of Erhfutzu's. Realizing his mistake, he tries to set things as right as possible by going after the right man for his sake and for the sake of Miss Yun's daughter. All while keeping the truth of his actions inside...