Takeya Nakamura

Takeya Nakamura

出生 : 1918-07-11, Asakusa, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 1990-05-28


Takeya Nakamura


地上げ屋同士の熾烈な攻防戦が吹き荒れるバブル期の東京。オフィスビルの建設ラッシュを機に、政治家・建設業者・商社・銀行が結託して巨額の利益を上げんと欲望を燃え上がらせていた。 そんな中、代議士の漆原は天の道教団の管長・鬼沢に目をつける。鬼沢は宗教を隠れ蓑に風俗業など数々の商売をし、さらにヤクザを操り地上げの嵐を吹き荒らしていた。しかもそれらの商売による収益を宗教法人に入金して課税を免れていた。 「宗教活動以外での所得は課税対象となる」という税法を盾に、やり手査察官・板倉亮子をはじめとする国税局査察部・通称マルサは鬼沢の内偵調査を行う。亮子は大蔵省のエリート官僚・三島を引きつれ鬼沢の身辺調査に入るが、教団信者やヤクザ達の妨害に遭い、調査は難航。ようやく脱税のシッポを掴んだマルサは強制調査に着手し、鬼沢の取調べが行われるが、鬼沢は頑として脱税を認めず、逆ギレして地上げの正当性を主張する。 そんな中、鬼沢の手下が射殺される。査察部は脱税を隠蔽するために鬼沢が「トカゲの尻尾」のように切り捨てたのではないかと疑うが、やがて鬼沢本人が狙撃される事件が発生。危うく難を逃れたが、鬼沢も「トカゲの尻尾」、つまり使い捨てられる駒でしかなかったのだ。 鬼沢の地上げした土地ではビルの着工を前に地鎮祭が行われる。鬼沢を背後で操って自らは手を汚すことなく利益を得た大臣・代議士・企業幹部が談笑する。その姿を少数の同僚とともにフェンス越しに隠れて見つめていた亮子は、やりきれなさに唇を噛む。 一方、鬼沢は自分の墓に巨額の財産を隠していた。最後に笑ったのは鬼沢であった。
A young man working as a cameraman in Tokyo is visited for three days by his parents from the countryside.
長七郎江戸日記スペシャル 柳生の陰謀
Takasugu Iyi-no-kami Takeharu
Rumors are circulating that the shogunate is losing control of some feudal domains. Lord Yagyu Munefuyu is assigned to deal with the problem and the rebellious clans will be crushed! Meanwhile, a former vassal of the Kazama clan is shot and killed. Moments later a second man is killed by a mysterious master swordsman. Matsudaira Choshichiro and his companions arrive at the crime scene and find a new type of repeating gun. The carved seal on the gun stock belong to the Saiga; a ninja clan abolished by the shogunate many years ago. The blame for the murders is placed on the Kazama clan. Are they guilty or is this a wise cunning plan by Lord Yagyu to be able to destroy the Kazama clan? Choshichiro sets out to reveal the truth and try to save the doomed Kazama clan! In his way are the Owari, Lord Yagyu and his ninja assassins, and the mysterious master swordsman! Will Choshichiro prevail against impossible odds...?
A group of warriors decide to unite to help the oppressed masses. Disguised as ordinary people, they are dedicated to fighting evil till the end.
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo. Yasuo spreads unpleasant gossip about his rival, and Hatsue's father forbids her to see Shinji. But when the boy saves the passengers on a boat owned by Hatsue's father, his luck in love begins to change.
ウルトラマンタロウ ウルトラの母は太陽のように
Kiyoshi Shiratori
Theatrical version of episode 1 of the 'Ultraman Taro' TV series.
Rivalry between two young gangster groups who seek to extend their influence.
昭和残侠伝 死んで貰います
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.
人生劇場 飛車角と吉良常
With his penultimate film, Uchida revisited one of his popular prewar titles, 1936’s Theatre of Life, an adaptation of Shiro Ozaki’s eponymous novel. Three-time Seijun Suzuki collaborator Goro Tanada wrote a gangsterized adaptation of Ozaki’s story for Uchida at a time when the yakuza had eclipsed the samurai genre as Toei's main cash crop. Protagonist Hishakaku murders a man in a quarrel over a barmaid and goes to jail. In his temporary absence, his girlfriend Otoyo, a former geisha, falls for Hishakaku’s brother, inciting a dangerous love triangle that, in typical yakuza fashion, ends tragically.
博奕打ち 一匹竜
The second part of the Gamblers series.
昭和残侠伝 一匹狼
Yakuza families clash over a lucrative fishery business.
Part one.
The film is set in Kyoto at the end of the Tokugawa period, when there is a fierce clash between the supporters of the Emperor, who are fighting for the overthrow of the Shogunate, and the Shinsengumi squad, who are chasing them. Suddenly, a mysterious masked warrior appears, on a white horse he is called Tengu from Mount Kurama and he opposes the Shinsengumi.
A headstrong young man seeks to join the Shinsengumi, but while his determination impresses his superiors, questions begin to arise as to his true identity and intentions.
次郎長三国志 第三部
The third part of the story about feudal boss Jirocho and his underlings.