Bill Roberts

出生 : 1899-08-02, Kentucky, USA

死亡 : 1974-03-18


Worked as a magazine illustrator in New York, before joining the Disney Organization in 1932/3.


Mickey's Family Album
A World Is Born
Using the segment "Rite of Spring" from Fantasia (1940), this educational film depicts the Earth's first billion years of existence, from its birth and throughout the Dinosaur age.
Jiminy Cricket hosts two Disney animated shorts: “Bongo,” about a circus bear escaping to the wild, and “Mickey and the Beanstalk,” a take on the famous fairy tale.
A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?
The Cold-blooded Penguin
Disney Short about Pablo the Penguin and his journey to find a warm place.
Reason and Emotion
A World War II propaganda film about the need to remain calm and logical during wartime.
ドナルドのアンデス旅行:ドナルドダックがチチカカ湖周辺を旅し、葦の船バルサ、気取り屋のラマといったインカの末裔達の風俗に触れる。 小さな郵便飛行機ペドロ:郵便飛行機の子供ペドロが、初めてアンデスを越えて郵便を運ぼうとするが、調子に乗ったペドロは魔の山アコンカグアに近づいてしまう。 グーフィーのガウチョ:テキサス州のカウボーイ、グーフィーが南米に飛ばされ、南米版カウボーイであるガウチョに変身する。 ブラジルの水彩画:アニメの筆が次々にブラジルの自然や風俗を描いていき、そのスケッチからホセ・キャリオカが誕生、ドナルドをサンバの夕べへ誘う。
Lake Titicaca
Donald is visiting South America, where he is first overcome by altitude sickness. He spends some time in the picturesque market. Then he take a llama up into the mountains, with exciting results.
一人暮らしのゼペットじぃさんは、木でつくった人形に【ピノキオ】と名づけ、星に「自分の子どもになりますように…」と願いをかける。するとブルーフェアリーが現れ、魔法でピノキオに命を授け「勇気を持って生き、正直で優しければいつか本当の人間になれる」と言い残して去って行く。 学校へ通うようになったピノキオだが、いろいろな誘惑に惑わされてしまい…。
Society Dog Show
Rather out of place at a swanky dog show, Pluto flirts with Fifi, a dainty Pekingese. The judge orders Mickey and Pluto to leave, but when a fire breaks out Pluto rescues Fifi and is proclaimed a hero.
When a giant threatens the land, the cityfolk mistake Mickey's boast of killing seven flies with one blow to be giants. He is then forced to fight the giant for real.
Mickey's Parrot
A parrot belonging to an escaped killer washes up in Mickey's basement. Mickey hears it talking and thinks the parrot is the killer he's just heard about on the radio. While Mickey is skulking about the basement, Pluto runs into the parrot, first hidden under the fish, and then inside a leftover turkey.
美しく心優しい白雪姫。その美しさを妬む継母の女王から命を脅かされ、森の奥深くに逃れた白雪姫は、7人のこびとたち―おとぼけ、ねぼすけ、くしゃみ、てれすけ、ごきげん、先生、おこりんぼ―と出会い、一緒に暮らし始める。 ある日、老婆に姿を変えた女王が訪ねて来て、毒リンゴを口にしてしまった白雪姫。横たわる白雪姫の傍らで悲しむこびとたちの元に王子様が現れて…。
It's time to laugh like crazy as Mickey, Goofy and Donald fight against raging gears, twisted springs, deafening bells and a sleeping stork. Watch them reach new heights of humor as their valiant efforts to clean a bell tower turn into a real circus!
Mother Pluto
Pluto accidentally hatches a bunch of chickens and looks after them until the hen returns.
Donald and Pluto
Plumber Donald is using a large magnet in his work. When he drops it, it causes trouble for Pluto, especially after Pluto swallows it. Things begin clinging to him, especially his metal dog dish.
Alpine Climbers
Donald, Mickey, and Pluto climb the Alps. While up top, Donald has a run-in with a mountain goat over some edelweiss, Mickey has a row with an eagle over its eggs; one of them hatches, and gives Pluto some trouble (as does the grog a Saint Bernard gives him when he falls into a snowbank).
Three Little Wolves
Two little pigs cry wolf on their brother and then an actual wolf comes.
Mickey's Polo Team
Mickey leads his polo team Donald (on a mule), Goofy, The Big Bad Wolf against an all-star team: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Harpo Marx (on an ostrich), Charles Chaplin, in a game refereed by Jack Holt. Featured spectators include the Three Little Pigs with Shirley Temple, W.C. Fields, and Clarabelle Cow with Clark Gable. Game action proceeds pretty much as you might expect from this bunch of comedians.
Pluto's Judgement Day
Pluto chases a kitten through a window and right into Mickey's lap. Mickey scolds him, and goes off to wash the kitten. Pluto falls asleep in front of the fire, and dreams of a hell ruled by cats where he is put on trial for all his crimes against cats and, of course, found guilty.
Who Killed Cock Robin?
A robin is shot so the woodland community holds a trial to investigate.
The Robber Kitten
A kitten runs off to be a robber with a dog.
The Dognapper
Mickey and an early version of Donald Duck are police officers chasing dognapper Pegleg Pete. Despite their bumbling, they manage to repeatedly get the drop on Pete at his sawmill hideout, though they ultimately make a shambles of the place.
Mickey Plays Papa
Mickey and Pluto are reading scary stories; they go to investigate a noise and find a foundling mouse that's been left on the porch.
Gulliver Mickey
Mickey is first seen reading Gulliver's Travels while the mice orphan children are pretending to be sailors. After ruining their game Mickey tries to make it up to them by retelling the Liliput sequences of Gulliver's Travels pretending it was a real event that happened to him by portraying the role of Gulliver. The story ends with Mickey saving the town from a giant spider (Pete). However after telling the story, one of the children dangles a fake spider attached to a fishing rod which scares Mickey out of his witts.
The Big Bad Wolf torments Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs.
As in the classic fable, the grasshopper plays his fiddle and lives for the moment, while the industrious ants squirrel away massive amounts of food for the winter. With his song, he's able to convince at least one small ant until the queen arrives and scares him back to work. The queen warns the grasshopper of the trouble he'll be in, come winter. Winter comes, and the grasshopper, near starvation, stumbles across the ants, who are having a full-on feast in their snug little tree. They take him in and warm him up. The queen tells him only those who work can eat so he must play for them. Written by Jon Reeves
Old King Cole
Old King Cole throws party and invites all of the Mother Goose characters. He warns them that they must leave at midnight. Another collection of characters puts on a stage show. The Ten Little Indian Boys get everyone dancing along. The Hickory Dickory Dock mice announce midnight, and everyone leaves, back into their books.
Father Noah's Ark
Noah, his family (wife, 3 sons, their wives), and various animals all help build the ark. The rains come, and the skunks barely miss the boat (not that anyone was particularly looking for them), but they manage to swim to it. After the rain and many lamentations by the humans, the sun returns, to the great joy of all. The ground appears, and the animals (and many new babies) disembark.
Mickey's Mellerdrammer
Mickey Mouse and his friends stage their own production of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Babes in the Woods
Two children wander the forest and get lured into a witch's house.
King Neptune
After a short introduction, one of Neptune's mermaids is captured by a pirate ship, and their anchor chain entangles King Neptune; the various sea creatures launch a full-on assault on the pirate ship, and eventually the giant King himself gets free and creates major havoc for the ship.
Bugs in Love
Insects have made a playground/carnival out of castoffs, featuring "ice skating" on mirrors. Two love bugs head off to a more private area. But their fun is interrupted when a crow comes by. He bottles up the male bug and chases the female into her home. The male bug escapes in the nick of time, and another bug notices the battle and rallies the rest of the bugs to attack, which they do, using false teeth, an eggbeater, a mousetrap, castor oil, and other things.