Kari Onstad Winge

Kari Onstad Winge

出生 : 1941-02-24,

死亡 : 2020-03-24


Kari Onstad Winge


The unemployed performance artist Gritt struggles to make sense, as she moves below the successful surface of Oslo.
A 75 year-old widow, crippled by grief, seeks unconventional solace by traveling across town to buy drugs.
パイロマニアック ~炎の中の獣~
When Charlotte, 27, meets her brother Henrik, 35, for the first time as an adult, it becomes an encounter without boundaries, between two people who don't know what a normal family is. How does sibling love manifest itself if you have never experienced it before? Homesick is an unusual family drama about seeking a family, and breaking every rule to be one.
I Belong
Tante Astrid
A nurse gets into a dispute at work because she switches to speaking English when she gets nervous. A translator compromises her integrity when persuaded to translate a book she doesn't believe in. An elderly woman and her daughter are humiliated when offered a present of one million kroner from a relative. A warm and nuanced film about people who all mean well, but end up hurting one another.
Areal 618: De forviste
Norwegian short sci-fi based on the novel "The Visitor" by author Ray Bradbury. The story takes place on Mars, which is used as a quarantine for people with deadly illnesses. One day, the planet is visited by a young woman who has the ability to perform thought transference and telepathy. The exiles on the planet are thrilled with his ability and a violent fight breaks out over who will get to spend the most time with their visitor and enjoy the illusionary paradises she can transmit.
Described as an experimental film about a prostitute wrestler.