Vice-Principal Inui
1990年代初頭、クヒオは、自分はアメリカ軍特殊部隊のパイロットで、エリザベス女王とも血縁関係にあたるなどと吹聴し、次々と女性たちをだましていた。だが、実際彼は純粋な日本人で、華麗な経歴もすべて自ら作り出したものだった。弁当店を営むしのぶ(松雪泰子)も彼の立派な軍服姿にころりとだまされ、懸命にクヒオに尽くすが……。<吉田和正原作の「結婚詐欺師 クヒオ大佐」を映画化した、型破りな人間ドラマ。日本人でありながら西洋人のような容ぼうを生かし、自分はアメリカ空軍のパイロットなどと偽って女性たちから約1億円を巻き上げた実在の結婚詐欺師の真の姿に迫る。どこか憎めない詐欺師役に『南極料理人』の堺雅人。彼に無償の愛をささげる女性を『余命』の松雪泰子らが熱演する。付け鼻をして、何とも不思議な主人公に成り切った堺と3人の女性たちの物語に夢中になる。>
Sensitive and refined drama in which experiences from the puberty of a female teacher and a piano student reflected in the world of the younger generation they have contact with.
Two more tales of innocent women struggling against the odds to escape impossible situations.
Man in a Coffee Shop
Kodama learns that his old classmate Hayashi is getting married to an idol, and organizes a junior high school reunion.
Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won’t be always the loser who couldn’t succeed in the back pullover bar exercise.
Two brothers, Jinta and Wataru, are raised in a travelling circus. After an accident, Jinta decides to leave the circus and travels the countryside working as a con-man. After a run-in with a local gang of yakuza, he is invited to join their ranks, where he makes the mistake of falling for a boss's mistress. Wataru stays with the circus and works hard to regain its former glory