Xavier Marc

Xavier Marc

出生 : 1948-01-16, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

死亡 : 2022-02-19


Xavier Marc (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, 16 de enero de 1948) es un actor, director y docentemexicano. Sus padres fueron Jesús Rivera y María Marc. Sus hermanos son: Guadalupe, Sara, Eloísa, Blanca Esthela, José, Rodolfo, José Luis, Jorge y Hugo. Estudió actuación en la Escuela de Artes Teatrales del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, en el Estudio de Dimitrio Sarrás, en la Academia de Uta Hagen y Bergboff en Nueva York. Sus producciones mas resaltadas de su trayectoria son: Amor sin maquillaje, Barrera de amor,Barata de primavera, María Belén, El alma no tiene color y El niño que vino del mar. Está casado con Claudia Obregón, con quien tuvo un hijo llamado Julio Cesar.


Xavier Marc


El mutilador
The sadistic sexuality of a doctor makes beautiful women disappear. A brave reporter gets an interview with the maniac, during which she delves into the depths of her unbalanced mind, little by little she will discover that she is dealing with someone beyond madness and with bloody erotic games.
God's Crooked Lines
Newly-committed to a mental institution, a woman tries to convince her doctors that her husband conspired to have her put away for selfish reasons unrelated to her mental health.
Island of Lost Souls
Rene Cardona directs the film version of Jose Leon Sanchez's best-selling novel, which relates the author's 20 years of imprisonment on an island ruled by brutality. When a sadistic man declares himself the boss of an island pueblo, an innocent husband and wife become the victims of his selfish rule. Once the evil man's deeds reach the authorities on the mainland, however, he sinks further into madness and declares "his" island its own republic.
Once Upon a Scoundrel
After falling for Alicia, greedy and powerful Mexican landowner Carlos has her fiancé thrown in prison on a bogus charge. To trick Carlos into releasing her man, Alicia teams up with her Aunt Delfina and tries to convince Carlos that he's a ghost.
Yaqui Chief
メキシコを舞台に、ひょんなことから出会ったスゴ腕ガンマンの流れ者と秘密を抱えた尼僧が、一緒に旅をしながら褒賞金目的の戦いに手を組んで活躍する姿を描いた西部劇。  流れ者のホーガンは、三人の男に乱暴されそうになっている尼僧サラを助けた。メキシコの革命騒ぎを利用して大金を稼ごうとしていたホーガンは、フランス軍に追われているサラと共に、革命派のもとへやってくる。そしてフランス軍の輸送列車を襲撃する計画を請け負うが……。凄腕ガンマンのくせに、妙に色っぽい尼僧には手を出せないイーストウッドがオカシイ。憎めない女を演じさせたら天下一品のマクレーンがここでも魅力を発揮している。
Birds of Prey
1938, a Central America country. A Frenchman who goes by the name "Le Rital" is hired to take out the local dictator. Young Chico is assigned as his right-hand man, whom he impresses. Will a friendship form between them?
Zodiac Signs
A group of young people makes a plan to escape from the problems of their neighborhood.
The Time and the Touch
Mexican feature film