Billy Tisdall


Everynight... Everynight
Is an Australian drama film directed by Alkinos Tsilimidos and released in 1994. Based on a play of the same name, written by Ray Mooney, the film details the early life of contract killer Christopher Dale Flannery and is set inside Melbourne's HM Prison Pentridge's maximum security H Division.[1] Filming was undertaken at HM Prison Geelong. Dale, a remandee, is awaiting a court hearing and yet to be sentenced, highlighting the horrific injustice of the repeated beatings he's subjected to. Gradually Dale becomes indifferent to the bashings and horrors of prison life and develops an alternative, subversive way to exist and express his rage. As Dale walks defiantly from the prison in the last scene to be tried, the failure of the correctional system to produce docile, disciplined bodies pulls its last punch. Even if the system has enframed Dale he has maintained his sanity and his voice.
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。