Xavier Capdet

出生 : , Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Summer Camp
A group of people have just signed up to be camp Councillors at a foreign country. They expect the camp to be the place for a memorable summer. Instead, something strange is going on and some of the campers begin to act strange. Things go terribly wrong real fast as a terrible game of tag has the campers running for their lives or going after the campers.
Bruc: The Manhunt
Monje mayor
Spain, 1808. The Napoleonic Army suffers its first defeat at the hands of a single man: a drummer boy who used the Montserrat mountains to echo his drums and send the enemy troops into a panicked retreat. When the news reaches Napoleon, he furiously orders the captain of the Imperial Guard to bring back the head of the young hero responsible for his army's defeat…
The big contest
A middle class family in financial difficulties, looks like after winning a popular game show a large sum of money, the situation worsens and his life becomes complete nonsense.
Body Armour
Cab Driver
A burned-out bodyguard is hired to protect the man he hates the most: an international assassin who destroyed his career and ruined his life. Forced to put his personal feelings on hold, the bodyguard must use all his skills and years of experience to keep the assassin alive in the face of constant danger.
The Uninvited Guest
Policía atestados
What if ... you let a stranger into your house to use your phone, but while you've been patiently waiting in the kitchen, he just disappears ... or does he? Félix, an architect who has just split up with his girl-friend and inhabits a huge mansion in Barcelona, finds out how many hiding places there really are in his house. But are there enough to hide another person, a strange parasite of living space? Or is Félix really going insane?
Basilio a pickpocket with no luck, enters a mental institution to retrieve a valuable diamond necklace that briefly passed through his hands and whose value was unable to recognize. Once inside the asylum, Basilio will try to use all the skills of his trade to overcome the threats that keep him from reaching his goal. In the end, the only escape for Basilio will be to undergo the "Torapia", an innovative experimental therapy that connects man with the beast within us all.
Dos mujeres
Claudia lives happily married with an architect and is part of a rich family of builders. In a children's party going on an apparently unrelated to it: a clown found hanged.
An irresponsible young Spaniard having spent 6 months in jail for embezzlement gets a job as a waiter in a bar restaurant and becomes involved in a stolen goods racket.
La quinta del porro