Richard Bruno

出生 : 1924-08-21,

死亡 : 2012-01-11


Costume Design
Having just returned from a mission to Mars, Commander Ross isn't exactly himself. He's slowly becoming a terrifying alien entity with one goal -- to procreate with human women! When countless women suffer gruesome deaths after bearing half-alien offspring, scientist Laura Baker and hired assassin Press Lennox use Eve, a more tempered alien clone, to find Ross and his brood. Before long Eve escapes to mate with Ross.
Costume Designer
In 1934, the second most lucrative business in New York City was running 'the numbers'. When Madam Queen—the powerful woman who runs the scam in Harlem—is arrested, Ellsworth 'Bumpy' Johnson takes over the business and must resist an invasion from a merciless mobster.
Costume Design
Costume Design
CIAは監視システムおよび粒子ビーム砲搭載の人工衛星「グレイザー1」を極秘裏に開発していた。そして打ち上げに成功し一同は安堵するが、その場にいるはずの設計者のトラヴィス・デイン博士の姿はなかった。人格に問題ありとみなされた彼は打ち上げを前に解雇され、それを苦に自殺したのだ。 一方、海軍を退役し、レストランのオーナーシェフとなっていたケイシー・ライバックは、疎遠になっていた姪のサラとの仲を修復するために北アメリカ大陸を横断する豪華列車の旅行を計画し、駅構内に来ていた。父親を亡くしたばかりのサラと久々の再会をするも、打ち解けずにそのまま列車に乗車する。列車には、二人の他にも「グレイザー1」を打ち上げたスタッフが乗車していた。列車は走り始め、しばらく平穏な旅が続いていたが、突如ハイテク機器を装備した数十人のテロリストに列車ごと占拠されてしまう。
Costume Design
ニューヨークを舞台に、ボクシングに魅せられた三流弁護士が、夢を実現させるため奔走する姿と挫折を描くフィルム・ノワール。 ニューヨークのしがない弁護士ハリーは、ボクサー同士の揉め事を仲介したことから、ボクシングの興行をプロモートし、ひと花咲かせたいと願うようになる。愛人で、バーの経営者の妻ヘレンはいつかカリフォルニアに行きたい思っていた。その希望も叶えてやりたかったのだ。だが、そのせいでハリーはトラブルに巻き込まれることになるのだった……。「街の野獣」(50)のリメイク作品。
Costume Design
退役を迎え、ハワイからアメリカ本土に最後の航海に出たアメリカ海軍戦艦「ミズーリ」。艦長のサプライズ誕生日パーティーと偽りヘリが着艦。しかしそのヘリには元CIAエージェント、ストラニクス率いるテロリスト一味が乗っていたのだ。副艦長・クリル中佐も仲間の一味で彼らを手引きしていた。クリル中佐は艦長を殺害、テロリストどもは他の乗員を船倉に監禁してしまう。彼らの目的は、艦に搭載されている核弾頭搭載トマホーク巡航ミサイルのブラックマーケットへの転売だった。 ただひとり難を逃れたのは、冷蔵庫に監禁されていたコック長のライバック兵曹のみ。しかし彼の正体は、元海軍特殊部隊「SEAL」の対テロ部隊の指揮官だった。彼は、ある作戦で部下が多数死傷し、当時の情報将校を殴打し降格処分になってしまった。それをアダムス艦長が不憫に思い、彼を自分の手元に置いてコック長という任務に就かせていたのである。 救出した同僚やケーキの中にいた女性ダンサーのジョーダン・テイトと共に、ライバックの反撃が始まる。
Costume Design
Gino Felino is an NYPD detective from Brooklyn who knows everyone and everything in his neighborhood. Killing his partner was someone's big mistake... because he's now out for justice.
Guilty by Suspicion
Costume Design
This compelling story vividly recreates Hollywood's infamous 'Blacklist Era'. The witch-hunt has begun and director David Merrill can revive his stalled career by testifying against friends who are suspected communists. Merrill's ex wife shares a whirlpool of scandals that draws them closer together while his chances for ever making movies again slips further away...
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Wise Guys
Costume Design
Harry Valentini and Moe Dickstein are both errand boys for the Mob. When they lose $250,000, they are set up to kill each other. But they run off to Atlantic City and comedy follows.
Costume Design
During shopping for Christmas, Frank and Molly run into each other. This fleeting short moment will start to change their lives, when they recognize each other months later in the train home and have a good time together. Although both are married and Frank has two little kids, they meet more and more often, their friendship becoming the most precious thing in their lives.
Costume Design
Gorky Park
Costume Design
Police Inspector Renko tries to solve the case of three bodies found in Moscow's Gorky Park but finds his attempts to solve the crime impeded by his superiors. Working on his own, Renko seeks out more information and stumbles across a conspiracy involving the highest levels of the government.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
A rising tennis star falls for an older woman engaged with a wealthy man she doesn't love.
Ice Castles
Costume Design
A young girl is on top of the world until a tragic accident dashes her hopes and dreams of becoming a world-class figure skater. Only with the help of those who love her can she prove to the world — and herself — that she still has the potential to realize her dreams.
Costume Design
ウォーレン・ベイティが製作・初監督・脚本・主演の4役を手がけたコメディー。アカデミー美術・装置賞受賞。 前途有望なプロ・フットボール選手が交通事故で即死するが、それは天使のミスによるものだった。困った天界は彼の魂を殺されたばかりの若き実業家の中に送り込む。全く新しい人物となった彼は、再びフットボールの世界に乗り出すが……。
The Drowning Pool
Wardrobe Supervisor
Harper is brought to Louisiana to investigate an attempted blackmail scheme. He soon finds out that it involves an old flame of his and her daughter. He eventually finds himself caught in a power struggle between the matriarch of the family and a greedy oil baron, who wants their property. Poor Harper! Things are not as straight-forward as they initially appeared.
Something Big
Costume Design
Joe Baker has a dream. He wants to do 'something big.' When he needs a Gatling gun to accomplish this, he seeks out a black marketeer. The price he wants for the gun? A woman! So Baker kidnaps a woman off of the stagecoach, only to find that she is the wife of the commandant of the local Cavalry detachment. Things get further complicated when a girl named Dover McBride shows up. She has come to force Baker to marry her and return east, as he promised to do four years earlier
Costume Design
Two-Lane Blacktop
Costume Design
A driver and a mechanic travel around the United States hopping from drag strip to drag strip in a 1955 Chevy Bel-Air coupe. They race for money, betting with their competitors. The pair gains a young and talkative female stowaway. Along the way they unintentionally attract a well-to-do drifter driving a new Pontiac GTO. This older man, looking for attention, antagonizes their efforts.
The Baby Maker
Wardrobe Master
Tish Gray had a baby and gave it up for adoption. She is contacted by a second childless couple who want her to have the husband's baby because of the wife's inability to have children. She accepts but finds that knowing the parents, and developing a relationship with them for the entire pregnancy complicates the simple arrangement.
Darker Than Amber
Costume Design
Professional beach bum and 'knight errant' Travis McGee goes up against psychotic body-builder Terry Bartell. McGee pulls out all the stops when he joins a Caribbean cruise to bring the killer to justice.
The Dunwich Horror
Wardrobe Master
Dr. Henry Armitage, an expert in the occult, goes to the old Whateley manor in Dunwich looking for Nancy Wagner, a student who went missing the previous night. He is turned away by Wilbur, the family's insidious heir, who has plans for the young girl. But Armitage won't be deterred. Through conversations with the locals, he soon unearths the Whateleys' darkest secret — as well as a great evil.
Black Water Gold
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
The Trip
Wardrobe Designer
After his wife leaves him, a disillusioned director dives into the drug scene, trying anything his friend suggests.
Thunder Alley
Stock car racer Tommy Callahan is forced to join Pete Madsen's thrill circus after his blackouts cause a fatal accident that gets him thrown off the circuit.
Fireball 500
Stock car racer Dave Owens plays into the hands of whiskey runners by agreeing to drive in a cross-country road race.
The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.
The Wild Weird World of Dr. Goldfoot
Costume Design
Dr. Goldfoot schemes to use his Bikini Machine to kidnap a young man with infinite information stored in his head by the government.
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine
In this campy spy movie spoof Dr. Goldfoot (Vincent Price) has invented an army of bikini-clad robots who are programmed to seek out wealthy men and charm them into signing over their assets. Secret agent Craig Gamble (Frankie Avalon) and millionaire Todd Armstrong set out to foil his fiendish plot.
Sergeant Deadhead
Costume Supervisor
An astronaut goes into space with a chimpanzee. When they return to Earth after their orbit, it is discovered that the chimp has the brains of the astronaut, and the astronaut has the brains of the chimp. Complications ensue.
How to Stuff a Wild Bikini
Costume Supervisor
When he's stationed in Tahiti, a sailor hires a witch doctor to keep an eye on his girlfriend.