Ryoka Yuzuki
出生 : 1974-01-10, Anjo, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Ryoka Yuzuki is a Japanese voice actress. She used to do a lot of live action work when she was a teen under the name Ayumi Nagashii and became an idol under the name KanoriKadomatsu, appearing in men's magazines and V-Cinema. Several of her films were very explicit in violence, sex and nudity. Trying to break out of the horror/exploitation genre and back into legitimate cinema, she briefly changed her name back to Ayumi Nagashii and began working on the occasional anime as a voice actress. In the late 90s, she changed her name to Ryoka Yuzuki and focused on voice work.
Fudou Akio
世界の命運を握る「最後の鍵」を取り戻す、最も危険な、禁断の魔道バトルが、今開幕!! 世界を崩壊させるという“魔王因子”を持つ魔王候補・春日アラタは トリニティセブンの一人である浅見リリスらと共に遺跡調査を行っていた。 アラタの力に反応した強い力により、辺りはまばゆい光に覆われ、 気づけばそこは古より天空に存在する、全世界の英知を司る場所・「天空図書館」だった。 すると突如、紅い稲光とともに、顔がアラタにそっくりなある男が現れる―。 名は紅の魔王“アビィス・トリニティ” 彼は、魔王を滅ぼすための魔王であり、街を一瞬で消し飛ばす強力な力の持ち主故、 長く「天空図書館」に封印されていた。 アラタの魔王因子に反応してその封印を解かれた彼は、 魔王としての力を取り戻し、世界を、すべてを無に還すことを目論んでいた。 そのカギとなるのが、彼の娘・リリス─── なんと、リリスは最強魔王の娘だったのだ……っ! アビィスの危険すぎる力により囚われたリリス。 アラタたちは、リリスを救い、最強魔王を打ち倒すべく魔王兵器を探すことに……。 しかし、それを使えば、人の心を失い、完全に魔王化してしまうというが……。 魔力を支配するか、それとも支配されるか──。 アラタの最大のピンチが訪れる──!
Shamal (voice)
劇場アニメ版第4作目。2018年10月19日公開。『魔法少女リリカルなのは Reflection』と一体の作品で後編となる。
Shamal (voice)
しかし父親であるグランツ・フローリアンが病に倒れ、惑星再生の夢が潰える。 そんな中、キリエは「遥か遠い異世界」に父の救済と惑星再生の希望を求める。
行き先は「地球」と呼ばれる星の極東地区の小さな島国、日本。 惑星再生の夢を叶える「鍵」を探索するキリエとイリスは、日本で暮らす3人の少女たちのもとへ向かう。
少女たちの名は「高町なのは」「フェイト・T・ハラオウン」「八神はやて」。 その出会いは、二つの世界と二つの惑星の命運を賭けた戦いへと繋がってゆく―。
Akio Fudou
ある日、“魔王因子” を持つ魔王候補・春日アラタが、トリニティセブンの一人・浅見リリスの魔道書『ヘルメス外典』に何の気なしに触れた瞬間、眩い光に包まれ、目の前には謎の少女が姿をあらわす。「リリム」と名付けられ、アラタとリリスを親と慕う少女。だが、少女の出現と同時に、世界に異変が―。目覚める禁忌の “悠久図書館”。そこには、錬金術の究極の産物―人の手によって造られし” 白き魔王 “が封じられていた。“白き魔王” は、真の魔王へ至るため、アラタとトリニティセブンたちの抹殺を企てる。かつてない強大な力を持つ” 白き魔王 “を前に、世界の崩壊と、絶体絶命の危機がアラタたちを襲う―。アラタとトリニティセブンたちは、この世界を守れるのか?彼らの最後の戦いが今、始まる ——!
Ino Yamanaka (voice)
Konohana-no-Sakuya-Bime (voice)
In 202X, Tathagata Killer, a mysterious military leader armed with extraterrestrial technology, stages a coup and becomes the new emperor of the world superpower of Asia. Sho Shishimaru, gifted with prophetic powers, may be the only one standing in the way of Killer’s take-over of the entire world. The future of humankind is at stake in this epic struggle, but in its midst, we learn about the mystical laws that rule the world around us.
Ino Yamanaka (voice)
Shamal (voice)
ある夜、八神はやてはトラックとの事故に遭ってしまうが、「闇の書」が起動することによって助かる。そして「守護騎士(ヴォルケンリッター)」と出会い、闇の書の主となる。はやてと触れ合う内、いつしか家族のような絆で結ばれるヴォルケンリッターであったが、闇の書の呪いによりはやての余命があとわずかであることを知った彼女達ははやてを救うため、はやてに禁じられた闇の書の蒐集を開始する。 ロストロギア「ジュエルシード」が発端となったプレシア・テスタロッサ事件から半年後、裁判が終わったフェイトとなのはの再会が果たされた。しかしその夜、ヴォルケンリッターの襲撃にあい敗北し、なのは達はリンカーコアを闇の書に蒐集されてしまう。 この闇の書の起動によって引き起こされる数多くの痛み・悲しみを終わらせるため、そして、大切な主であるはやてを救うため、戦うヴォルケンリッター、真相を知らず彼女達と対立するなのはとフェイトら時空管理局一同。二つの思いがぶつかる中、事件は思いがけない方向へと向かう。はたして、ヴォルケンリッターははやてを救うことができるのか?そして、なのはとフェイト達は闇の書の呪いを断ち切ることができるのか?
Carnival Phantasm bonus short.
Caren Ortensia attempts to control the world using money with varying degrees of success, Phantas-Moon receives a movie adaption of her T.V. show, and Shiki is involved in a love plot that spans years.
Yuki-senpai (voice)
Hibino Tsubaki is a shy, kind, and slightly old-fashioned girl who has always been the top student in her class. She always did everything her parents wanted her to do. She loved to do other girls' hair in trendy and cute styles, despite always wearing plain braids herself. On her first day of high school at the opening ceremony, she is astonished to see that the top student giving the opening speech is not only somebody else, but also the rudest boy she has ever seen. This delinquent turns out to be her new classmate, Kyouta Tsubaki. Kyouta teases Hibino, drawing attention to their similar last names. The two are both top of their class, but are different in every other way. Even though it seems that they cannot stand each other, fate has something else in store for them…
Hibino Tsubaki is a shy, kind, and slightly old-fashioned girl who has always been the top student in her class. She always did everything her parents wanted her to do. She loved to do other girls' hair in trendy and cute styles, despite always wearing plain braids herself. On her first day of high school at the opening ceremony, she is astonished to see that the top student giving the opening speech is not only somebody else, but also the rudest boy she has ever seen. This delinquent turns out to be her new classmate, Kyouta Tsubaki. Kyouta teases Hibino, drawing attention to their similar last names. The two are both top of their class, but are different in every other way. Even though it seems that they cannot stand each other, fate has something else in store for them…
Maho Orihara
Tomoe Mikagura (voice)
時は遥か未来、人類が宇宙の新天地に手を伸ばした頃の話。新天地「惑星テルルス」に安住の場所は失われた。 数百年前に起きたテラフォーミングマシンの暴走により、急速に環境変動が進むテルルス。人類はその星で、テラフォーミングマシンのスタンピード現象に追い立てられるまま、巨大な車輪の上にその営みを移していた。 しかし、その時代に逆行する者達がいた…。
Ino Yamanaka (voice)
Mametchi and his friends must save Tamagotchi world from a book that is beginning to destroy reality, entitled "The World's Happiest Story".
Ino Yamanaka (voice)
In a Naruto Shippûden Alternate Universe, Sakura, Hinata and Ino tell the story of the new student in the prestigious academy "Honoha Gakuen", Naruto Uzumaki, whose dream is to become the leader of all the Yakuza gangs in the country.
On Tamagotchi planet, Mametchi has just finished his new creation. But on its first trial run, the mischievous Kuchipatchi manages to throw the machine's aim off course, which results in a child from Earth, Tampopo, being transported to the Tamagotchi Planet.
2004年3月6日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第5作。 伝説の美しい宝刀「七星剣」と、目も眩むようなお宝が隠されているというアスカ島に上陸した麦わらの一味。しかし、メリー号の船番をしていたゾロが、いつのまにか姿を消していた。一行がゾロを探して島の奥に向かうと、村を襲う海軍剣士の中にゾロの姿があった。信じ難い彼の行動に驚く一行をよそに、ゾロは島の少女・マヤが持っていた三つの宝玉を奪い、去って行ってしまった。
Naomi Armitage
Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon Center, to see how their skills have developed. Their battle is interrupted by a thunderstorm and the arrival of Bashou and Buson, two Rocket-dan members using the Crystal System (which attracts Electric-type Pokemon). Their ultimate goal is to, under the guidance of professor Shiranui, bring Pokemon back to Sakaki. Kenta and Marina stumble upon this plan, and they try to stop it, but things get more difficult when the legendary Pokemon Raikou is captured.
Himeguma (voice)
現代の40年前の世界。ハテノの森を訪れた少年・ユキナリは、森の中でハンターに追われていたポケモンに出会う。そのポケモンは「セレビィ」といい、時を超える力を持つと言われるポケモンだった。セレビィをハンターから守ろうとしたユキナリは、セレビィの力でセレビィと共に40年後の未来へタイムスリップしてしまう。 現代。旅の途中でハテノの森を訪れたサトシ一行は、セレビィが時を越える際に起こる「森の声」という現象に遭遇。程なくサトシ達は祠の前に倒れているユキナリを発見。ハテノ村の長老トワ達に介抱されたユキナリはセレビィがいないことに気付き、サトシ達と共にセレビィを探しに向かう。傷だらけのセレビィを見つけたサトシ達はトワの下へ戻ろうとするが、そこへセレビィを追っていたロケット団幹部・ビシャスが現れ、セレビィを捕えようと襲い掛かって来た。ユキナリとの連携でビシャスのポケモンを撃退し、何とか逃げおおせたサトシ達は、生き物の傷を癒す不思議な力を持つ湖にたどり着き、そこで一夜を明かす事にする。
Elza@Doll (voice)
Robot prostitute Malice@Doll roams a deserted city unsuccessfully looking for johns after the human race is obliterated. With no people left, the android serving class has a meaningless existence. But after a horrific tentacled beast rapes Malice@Doll, she inexplicably turns human. With a renewed purpose in life, she tries to share the gift of humanity with others of her kind, but with every gift comes a curse...
Windy (voice)
The now 50 year old Scientific Boys Club decides to build a ship with which they plan to sail to Mars on the "Ethereal Current", curious to see if there is life on Mars.
Ootachi / Yamikarasu / Py / Upah (voice)
Tokimeki Memorial brings together the twelve young girls from Kirameki High School, but revolves around the main girl, Fujisaki Shiori. The story starts at the beginning of the third school year, which is the last year before the main character can choose a girl and date her at the graduation.
Hitomi Nomura (as Kanori Kadomatsu)
A bellboy stalks a woman who frequents the hotel where he works.
Keiko Mukai
Three students, Hoshino, Tachibana and Keiko travel to an ancient and mysterious Chinese city in search of a potion that gives eternal youth. But once they arrive, Hoshino is attacked by a half-invisible creature that separates him from his friends...
Manami, the sole survivor of Angel of Darkness 2, is rushed to hospital where she slips into a deep sleep. A priest correctly suspects that the demon (now referred to as an Injuu) is inside Manami's body, but by the time he is able to confirm his theory, the creature has already moved on. As before, the tentacled beastie passes from host to host (by thrusting its slimy appendages into its victims' orifices), eventually ending up inside goody-goody schoolgirl Fumie, who does her best 'Linda Blair' impersonation for a while, before the priest inevitably turns up to save the day.
Kazumi Tanaka
Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out who's behind the supernatural attack, Misa also has to deal with assumptions by her fellow classmates that believe she is the one behind it all. Misa and twelve other students are kept late after school hours one day to retake an exam. Then, after sunset, the entire school is deserted, and the students find themselves trapped inside and their teacher no where to be found. One by one, the thirteen students are picked up and disposed of in horrific and graphic fashion. It is up to Misa to try and gain the trust of her fellow students so that she can protect them and stop the evil before it's too late.
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Tetsumi Dokou and Makio Hara.
Sayaka Mizukami (as Kanori Kadomatsu)
In downtown Japan, a lonely computer nerd tries to maintain a peaceful existance while being stalked by a gang of deviant homosexuals who want to use him for their brutal S&M activities.
Subaru is investigating the death of of a enemy, Kaneyama but before he died, he undertook a project, which was how to teach seven teenage girls how to use black magic to get revenge on people they don't like, but when one of the girls feels remorse, she is told by the other girls to continue with the black magic. Subaru tries to stop them but the girls think that he is their enemy and put a curse on him.
Girl at the train crossing (as Ayumi Nagashii)
Three teenagers witness the brutal murder of a high school girl by an insane salaryman. The teenagers find themselves united by this event and become friends. Later the teenagers hold a party to take their mind off things. Their party is crashed by a local gang of thugs and one teenager finds his newly found girlfriend being raped. The teenagers deal with the thugs by using extreme violence.
Shiomi Kanagawa