Kurumi Mamiya

Kurumi Mamiya

出生 : 1976-11-10, Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan


the Japan of the female voice . Birth on November 10, Born in Yasu- cho, Yasu-gun, Shiga Prefecture (currently Yasu City ). 81 producer affiliation.


Kurumi Mamiya


劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール 幻影の覇者 ゾロアーク
Zorua (voice)
サッカーとバスケットボールの要素を織り交ぜた新スポーツ「ポケモン・バッカーズ」のワールドカップが開かれるクラウンシティを目指していたサトシ達は、その道中でヤルキモノの集団に追い詰められていたポケモン・ゾロアと出会う。ゾロアはテレパシーを使い、「マァを助けに行く」とサトシ達に言う。ピカチュウ達の説得もあって、サトシ達はゾロアに協力する事を決め、ゾロアと共にクラウンシティへと向かった。 しかしサトシ達がクラウンシティに着いた時、街の旧市街に繋がる橋が全て封鎖されていた。伝説のポケモンであるライコウ・エンテイ・スイクンが悪のポケモン・ゾロアークに操られて暴れているのだという。そこへ巨大企業コーダイネットワークの社長・コーダイが旧市街に立ち入らないようにとモニターで勧告を出していた。しかし、その暴れているゾロアークこそがゾロアの探していた「マァ」だったのだ。
Inai Inai Baa! Ohisama to dansu
Sing and dance with the sun.
By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen...until only the women were left alive. They live huddled in small corners of a world mostly reclaimed by nature. There are those who accept their inevitable extinction and live a carefree life... There are those who try to continue on the race with the help of science... It is a society of constant conflict over their differences of principles and policies. The story takes place in the center of Tokyo. It is one of the places left for them. The conflict over the specimen of ICE and the chance it may provide to save humanity begins
クレヨンしんちゃん ちょー嵐を呼ぶ金矛の勇者
Gingin (Kuro)
えいがでとーじょー! たまごっち ドキドキ! うちゅーのまいごっち!?
Ms. Perfect
On Tamagotchi planet, Mametchi has just finished his new creation. But on its first trial run, the mischievous Kuchipatchi manages to throw the machine's aim off course, which results in a child from Earth, Tampopo, being transported to the Tamagotchi Planet.
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 時の探検隊・闇の探検隊
Piplup (voice)
Welcome to a world...where Pokémon, and ONLY Pokémon, live. A world where Pokémon can talk -- just like we do. Meet a boy who has mysteriously turned into a Piplup! This Piplup soon meets a Chimchar, who dreams of joining a brave Exploration Team. And at that magical moment, an exciting new adventure begins! Join us... After all, a whole new world of mystery and exploration awaits! Life is full of adventure, so get ready to explore!
Berui (voice)
Hamtaro: Miracle in Aurora Valley
A young fairy hamster named Crystal appears before Bijou. In the snow, the two vanish off somewhere. The Ham-Hams give chase and arrive in the legendary Aurora Village. Legendary hamsters of the winter called Snow Hams live here. The Ham-Hams are told that it has not snowed in the village for a long time. The Snow Hams are troubled because it is hot even though it is winter. They also say that Snow Princess Bijou is the one who can help. But, Bijou is kidnapped by a mysterious pirate ship! Pirate Hams who hate the cold start to interfere in order to prevent snowing. The Ham-Hams picket against the captain of the pirate ship to get Bijou back. The talks with the pirates result in the decision to put Bijou on the line in a Ham-Ham Grand Prix. The competition between Hamtaro and the captain consists of running, skiing, Formula car racing and others. Can Hamtaro win the Grand Prix and save Bijou?
Momoko Kuramoto
Momoko, who attends a special school, is both mentally and physically disabled. Every morning she becomes peevish because she can't go to the ordinary school with her twin brother Riki.
Gekijô ban Tottoko Hamutarô: Hamu hamu hamu~jya! Maboroshi no prinsesu
Lately, Hamtaro has been having a strange dream. In the dream, a beautiful princess hamster tearfully asks for help. When Hamtaro tells his friends about it, Maxwell pulls out a Ham-Ham source book.. According to the book, there is a homeland for hamsters called Hamja Kingdom. When the Ham-Hams build a sand castle and recite a spell exactly the way it is written in the book, they are whooshed to the Kingdom. When at last the hamsters reach the bustling Hamja Kingdom of hamsters, the bad magic cat Sabakunya appears suddenly, riding the giant sheep monster Mee Mee, and starts to trample the town. The Ham-Hams are told of the state of the Kingdom and find that Sabakunya has snatched the King's daughter, Princess Shera, and is pressing her into marriage on the Kingdoms Founding Day. Sabakunya is trying to take over the country. Something clicks in Hamtaros mind. Princess Shera is without a doubt the princess who appeared in his dreams!
ありす in Cyberland
Woman (voice)