Shōji Imai

出生 : 1951-12-27, Tokyo, Japan


法医学教室の事件ファイル 第43作
The mystery of a corpse that suddenly kisses? A female doctor's son is suspected of murder ... Nail patterns and unsolidified blood reveal a perfect crime. When Aisuke, the son of forensic scientist Saki Ninomiya and a newspaper reporter, was interviewing the president of a building management company and his eldest son at a glass-walled cafe, a young woman who approached the store suddenly collapses and died...
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー67 箱根紅葉・登山鉄道の殺意
Detective Kamei of the First Investigation Division receives a request from lawyer Shinichi Nakamura, the son of his deceased close friend, to re-investigate a car accident. Akiko, the wife of Yasuo Furuki, a painter from Hakone, died in the accident 5 months earlier by crashing into a guardrail. Nakamura's client, Akiko's younger sister Yuki Izeki, suspects that she was actually murdered by Furuki for insurance money. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Yuki had sent an email reading "I'll never forgive that man. I'm going to kill him and avenge my big sister," announcing a murder to Nakamura. In the middle of their conversation, Nakamura receives a call from Hakone PD confirming that Yuki had turned herself in that morning...
Izumi, a woman who is troubled by dreams of the same murder every night... Saki is asked to conduct an autopsy on the body in that dream! In her dream, Izumi relives the incident as it happened 25 years ago and is possessed by the murdered woman!?
『翔んだカップル』『特命係長・只野仁』などで有名な漫画家・柳沢きみおの青年コミックのOVA化。  高校三年生・海津龍一。彼は胸中で、『罪と罰』作中の富豪にして悪漢スヴィドリガイロフを信奉する、選民主義者だった。クールでプレイボーイの龍一は見栄えの良い外見を活用し、病院長の娘を攻略。その後に相手の弱みにつけこんで手切れ金・一千万円を要求した。金と出世と女を手玉に取る生き方を突き進む龍一だが、その先に待つ運命とは?  1990年代の実写映画や実写ビデオ作品に携わった製作会社・日映エージェンシーが企画製作したOVAの一本で、監督には『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』『メガゾーン23』の石黒昇が就任。アニメの実製作も石黒率いる製作会社アートランドが主体となっている。脚本は実写特撮番組『禁じられたマリコ』『仮面ライダーブレイド』などの今井詔二。