Gustaf Elander

出生 : 1942-07-01, Göteborg, Göteborg- och Bohus län, Sweden

死亡 : 2000-03-11


Tic Tac
During one single day a number of life destinies cross one another. It becomes a night for the involved they will never forget, a night when the coincidences are going to change their lives forever.
田舎町の遊園地内で女性の死体が発見される。その女性の隣に住む前科者が容疑者としてみなされるが、彼は旧知のベックにだけ真実を話すと告げ黙秘を続ける。到着したベック、コルベリ、ラーソンらは、被害者と付き合っていた謎の男の存在を突き止めた。一方、目撃者の証言によって、あの夜、遊園地から車を盗んで逃走した若い二人組の存在が浮かび上がる。彼らが女性を殺した犯人なのか? 捜査網が狭まる中、警官によって撃たれてしまう二人組。女は死に、男の行方は不明。そしてベックは女性と恋仲だった謎の人物“カイ”の正体に気づく……。
Hassel 10 - Utpressarna
Jeff Dureya
The executive of Zting Air is blackmailed. He has to pay 3,000,000 SEK or else his wife will be killed and a plane will explode mid-air.
The Inside Man
In 1981, after the successful test of a submarine tracker device developed by the Swedish scientist Paul Mandell and sponsored by the US government through his representative Miller, his industry is totally burned and the laser device is stolen. Stig Larsson from the Swedish Secret Agency suspects of an inside job and brings the Swedish Marine Thomas Kallin to investigate Paul undercover as his driver. The naive Kallin is double-crossed but continues his investigation while Larsson finds the truth about the heist.