Kana Mikura

出生 : 1986-02-23, Osaka, Japan


Kana Mikura is a Japanese actress. Kana and her twin sister Mana Mikura are often collectively referred to as ManaKana (マナカナ).


あなたの番です 劇場版
Yoko Ishizaki
茜色の約束 サンバdo金魚
A combination of fantasy and comedy, director Shohei Shiozaki’s debut film is a youthful tale portraying the importance of friendship through the struggles of an immigrant family, while offering a beautiful celebration of Japanese culture.
Akemi Ishinuki
"GS Wonderland" is about the 1960's Group Sounds bands - A Japanese pop movement inspired by the Beatles and other mid-1960's Brit Pop. Three young men set out to start their own band "The Diamonds" when they are signed to a recording contract during their very first rehearsal. Things turn for the unexpected when their agent brings Mick (Chiaki Kuriyama) into the group as their keyboardist.
重役陣に嫌気が差した一之助が、なんと鈴木建設を退社、社長を辞めてしまう。ようやく念願の釣り三昧と洒落込むが、なぜか空しい。「仕事をすべき」という、伝助の薦めで、資格を生かしボイラーマンとして再就職を果たすが、派遣先はなんと鈴木建設本社! マスクで顔を隠し、仕事をする一之助を面白がる伝助。はたして一之助の運命やいかに?