Kei Shichiri

出生 : , Tokyo, Japan


Se Yoshimasu Gozo x Kukangendai
Gōzō Yoshimasu is one of Japan’s leading poets, still prolific into his ninth decade. This film documents his 2019 performance of Se (‘back’), a live poetry reading set against accompaniment from avant-garde rock group Kukan Gendai. Blindfolded and wearing a facemask, Yoshimasu plays audio recordings, growls and rasps his way through a rendition of a poem, and channels every ounce of his energy into drawing, using a pane of glass as his canvas. Kukan Gendai sculpt shapes of sound in response: an entire universe thrown into sharp relief by an uncompromising contest between voice and music.
Deconstruction of the Daughter of Salome
For the film’s 10th anniversary, experimental filmmaker Kei Shichiri (DUBHOUSE, JAPAN CUTS 2015) presents an all-new sound and image remastering of his tour de force film (formerly translated as Before the Day Breaks). Based on a manga by Naoki Yamamoto, the film follows Aochi, who sleeps and sleeps but never feels like she has slept enough. Shichiri, who explores the limits of sound and image in his diverse body of work, presents a highly evocative dramatic film in which humans barely appear on screen. The story is told through voiceover, sound and visions of dreams and landscapes. Over the years, the film has gained fans, including contemporary auteur Kiyoshi Kurosawa, who compared the film to those by Jean-Luc Godard. -JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film
A young woman works as a waitress in a diner. Her relationship with her boyfriend is unfulfilling and to further complicate things she is obsessed with a large hemangioma, or benign vascular tumor, on her hip (one that we actually never see). One day after she encounters a mysterious man wearing a hood and playing a clarinet she discover a small shack built out of cardboard. She crawls into it and suddenly we are transported to this young woman's interior world, a place where she meets her own doppelgänger in the form of a large doll who bears the same birthmark on her hip.
L'amant ラマン
「醜く老いてしまう前に自らを葬ってしまおう」 春、背中に天使の羽根のタトゥーを入れた17歳の少女・チカコは、そうやって年上の3人の男と1年間の愛人契約を結んだ。男たちは少女を”華子“と呼び、少女は彼らを”A、B、C“と呼んだ。いつも優しく華子を抱くA、物静かでミステリアスなB、乱暴に華子を犯すC。逢引の為だけに用意された洋館で、無感情な情事が繰り返される。夏、補習でどこにも行けない華子を、男たちは花火に連れて行った。花火を見つめる男たちの目はまるで少年のようで、その時、華子は彼らもかつては子供だったのだと実感する。秋、涼子と言うクラスメイトに誘われて行った映画館で、華子は見知らぬ男にレイプされ、妊娠した。居合わせた涼子の弟・行人が彼女に救いの手を差し伸べようとするも、彼はまだ幼く純粋すぎた。冬、Cが何者かに刺され入院した。その病室からは、華子の通う高校が見えた。彼女は知る。かつて同じ部屋に、「彼女を愛人にしたい」と言い遺して死んだ、男たちのかけがえのない仲間が入院していたことを。1年後、華子の18歳の誕生日。男たちは、華子を4番目の男の墓へ連れて行った。彼女は、男の墓にキスをした。そして、別れの時。華子は、自分の中に今まで感じたことのない感情が芽生えていることに気づく。それは、男たちへの愛だった。彼女は思う。「私は、またここから歩いて行ける」と。
A young man writes a novel about his forbidden love with his sister, who works overtime in the office on a holiday. Based on the manga of the same name by Naoki Yamamoto, and covering the manga's inspiration source, Juro Kara's "Anjuko's Shoes" and Ogai Mori's "Sansho Dayu".
A young man writes a novel about his forbidden love with his sister, who works overtime in the office on a holiday. Based on the manga of the same name by Naoki Yamamoto, and covering the manga's inspiration source, Juro Kara's "Anjuko's Shoes" and Ogai Mori's "Sansho Dayu".
Nurunuru Kankan
Assistant Director
The best must be the freshest. The best sake also follows the same principle to brew in which it needs the best and freshest raw materials, and also the freshest virgin to make it? Visiting one of a Japanese pub that seems to offer the best warm sake, Mononobe tries to follow the steps to reproduce the same flavor. However, he suddenly found out that those flavors are actually a combination of sake, sweat, and other bodily secretions of a virgin. As his only daughter is not a virgin anymore, the only way to make the best sake without a pure virgin is...
Pichiri K