Thibault Lacroix

Thibault Lacroix


Thibault Lacroix


De toutes mes forces
Nassim, a 16-year-old boy, is placed with a family in the suburbs following the death of his drug addict mother. But he refuses to integrate into the social setting that surrounds him. He invents another life for himself, similar to that of his mates at the big Parisian high school he goes to. There’s no reason for that to change. His two lives, his home life and his school life, must be kept separate at all costs.
Attachée de presse maison de couture Paris
オリヴィエ・アサイヤス監督が贈る異色の心理ミステリー。兄を亡くした喪失感の中で、不可解な出来事に直面するヒロインを描く。 オリヴィエ・アサイヤス監督が『アクトレス~女たちの舞台~』に続いてクリスティン・スチュアートを起用し、カンヌ国際映画祭監督賞を受賞した心理ミステリー。『トワイライト』シリーズでブレイク後、本格派女優として活躍するクリスティンが、セレブの私生活を覗くうちに思わぬ事件を招く買い物代行業の女性を繊細かつミステリアスに演じる。予想外の展開を見せる物語は勿論、映画を彩るハイブランドファッションも見逃せない。
アナーキスト 愛と革命の時代
Set in 1899 Paris, a young police sergeant is chosen to infiltrate a group of anarchists, an opportunity he sees to rise through the ranks. However, he soon finds himself becoming attached to the group.
Dom Juan & Sganarelle
L'homme à l'harmonica
Woman hero Dom Juan lives a life full of excesses and love affairs. When he seduces the nun Elvire, but shows no interest in her a short time later, he gets to deal with her vengeful brothers. Dom Juan and his assistant Sganarelle have to flee and set out on a journey full of strange encounters.
One of Us
Thomas, thirty-five, has decided that he will not go outside again. He llives in a caravan in a hanger in the middle of metropolis and invites to his place his family, friends, and neighbours. He organizes parties.
What We'll Leave Behind
The tragic story of two brothers grappling with the death of their father. One was loved and the other unfairly neglected by a father who left him nothing. The entire inheritance goes to the favorite son, who needs it less and cares little about money.
As a veteran of the Latin-American guerilla wars, Pierre Goldman became a mythical figure of the French protest movement of the '60s.
La Loire, Agnès et les garçons
In 1962, two teenage friends discover love in the form of a beautiful gypsy.