Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova

Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova


Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova


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Петькины трюки
The Nightingale
Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's Nightingale and The Emperor's New Clothes are integrated in this marvelous Russian adaptation by fairytale master Nadezhda Kosheverova.
Приключения Чипа
The Bat
Eisenstein gets in trouble for shooting a grouse. He is told that he must go to prison for his crime. However, his friend has invited him to an aristocratic ball. Eisenstein, despite being married, wants to go to the ball to meet women. Eisenstein lies to his wife. He tells her that he is going to prison but actually he goes to the ball. His story arises the suspicion of his wife. His wife devises a plot to catch her womanizing husband.
The Pleasure of Eating
A pair of peasant children, Mytyl and her brother Tyltyl, are led on a magical quest for the fabulous Blue Bird of Happiness by the Fairy Berylune. On their journey, they are accompanied by the humanized presences of a Dog, a Cat, Light, Fire, Bread, and other entities.
Finest, the Brave Falcon
This fairy tale film is dedicated to the memory of the great film director Alexander Row, the founder of the genre. Once upon a time there lived a brave and kind hero named Finist the Bright Falcon. He was famous for his strength, courage and a heart of gold. But one day the Russian land was attacked by an evil enemy, Kartaus, who turned our hero into a forest monster. This spell was cast on a condition that Finist might become a man again, should a beautiful girl, Alyonushka, fall in love with him while he was a beast.
Как Ваня жену выбирал
Царевич Проша
базарная торговка
A Star of the Screen
A young actress before playing in the movie legendary partisan, looking for everyone who knew her character. And suddenly learns that the fearless guerrilla is alive and works as the Director of resort hotel where the film crew stopped. Then follow the exciting meeting of the rising movie star with the heroine of the glorious past and the truth of life…
Goal! Another Goal!
Old Lady
A drama about football coaches and players.
12 chairs
Елена Боур
Little Hare
актриса Гликерия Васильевна
How can anyone take a person seriously when his last name is Zaychik (Little Hare). Everyone can manipulate and make fun of him. And Zaychik never strikes back just because he is too shy. But to the surprise of everyone love makes a lion out of little hare.
Cain the XVIII-th
First Dame
A fairytale about homeless musician and his love for the princess.
The Overcoat
супруга именинника
A story about a government clerk who has his precious new overcoat stolen. No-one seems willing to help him retrieve his prized possession, a fact that continues to concern him even when he is beyond the grave.
Driver Involuntarily
Зоя Семёновна, бухгалтер
A driver of a big manager is hospitalized with his boss's documents and adventures start...
The Boys from Leningrad
football fan (uncredited)
Comedy about brothers Vesnushkin, Sasha and Vasya, who are playing for one team in a National Soccer Competition. However, Sasha falls in love with a beautiful girl and loses his confidence just before the final game, so his brother has to take the lead on the field in order to save the game.
Tiger Girl
Maria Mikhailovna, the bookkeeper's wife
The story is about heiress of the circus family who organizes show "Let's get married" right in the cage for the tigers.