Mackenzie Rosman

Mackenzie Rosman

出生 : 1989-12-28, Charleston, South Carolina, USA


Mackenzie Rosman (born December 28, 1989) is an American actress. She is best known for her television role as Ruthie Camden on 7th Heaven.


Mackenzie Rosman


ある夜、ボートで釣りを楽しんでいた一行の竿に掛かったのは巨大なサメだった。 しかし恐怖のあまりサメを撃ち殺してしまった彼らを、復讐のため蘇ったサメが襲う―!! それから数日後、人ごみで賑わうビーチが騒然とする。青白く光るサメが出現し、人々を襲ったのだ! その惨劇が去った後に現場についた地元警察は、その話を信じようとはしなかった。 そこに偶然居合わせたエバと妹のシスリー、友達のブレイスは犠牲者の残したビデオカメラに光るサメの証拠をつかむ。 そこには光るサメの背びれが映っていたのだ。 しかし警察は彼らの証言を真に受けることはなく次々と犠牲者が増えるのだった…。 ゴーストと化したサメは、水がある場所はどこでも出現出来るのだった。 豪邸のプール、シャワールーム、水たまり…。 街の至る所に出現し、ひとを襲うサメに住民たちは為す術をなくす…。
Six high school seniors celebrating with day's excursion find themselves on rowboat attacked by man-eating fish and must decide who must be sacrificed as they fight their way back to shore.
After an unforeseen and violent affliction turns her world upside down, Rowena Hambleton struggles to survive night-to-night as she prowls the streets of Los Angeles. If there is a cure for what ails her, Rowena has yet to find it.
Fading of the Cries
Jacob, a young man armed with a deadly sword, saves Sarah, a teenage girl, from Mathias, a malevolent evil that has begun plaguing a small farmland town while in search of an ancient necklace that had belonged to Sarah's uncle. Jacob sets out to get Sarah home safely, running through streets, fields, churches and underground tunnels, while being pursued by hordes of demonic creatures. Along the way, both come to terms with the demons within themselves - Sarah begins to understand her hatred towards her mother and sister may be unjustified and Jacob discovers the secrets of his past, realizing the only way to truly defeat the demons is to return to the very place his family was murdered.
The Tomb
Successful writer and scholar Jonathan Merrick falls under the spell of the irresistible, bewitchingly beautiful Ligeia. She's fighting a fatal illness and she will stop at nothing to defeat death, her one true enemy.
Proud American
Proud American presents five powerful singular stories all of which magnify the themes mentioned above. Our film is an emotional, inspirational, and visual journey depicting America and the everyday Americans who exemplify the best that we can be.
Molly MacLemore
Gideon Dobbs is young, simple-minded man who has never stopped dreaming. He checks into a retirement home where he finds the residents have lost their lust for life. Through his innocence he changes their lives and teaches them that each day is a precious gift. They get back their self-esteem and their lust for life.