Michelle DeVito


サロゲート -危険な誘い-
Party Planner
Bywater Resident
ドリーム ホーム 99%を操る男たち
CIA Tech
ジョー・ダート 華麗なる負け犬の伝説
Drive-in Employee
When happy family man Joe Dirt finds himself transported to the recent past, he begins an epic journey to get back to his loved ones in the present.
Reunion Goer (uncredited)
With his 20th reunion looming, Dan can’t shake his high school insecurities. In a misguided mission to prove he’s changed, Dan rekindles a friendship with the popular guy from his class and is left scrambling to protect more than just his reputation when a wild night takes an unexpected turn.
Texan Driver
まじめが取り柄の婦人警官に与えられた任務は、重要事件の証言者を守ること。セクシー・セレブであるその証言者は、麻薬王の妻にして世間知らずの超ワガママ女だった。ひょんなことがきっかけで 人殺しのガンマンや何故か警察からも追われるハメになり・・・凸凹女2人組の逃避行が始まった。
Elsa & Fred
Stand In
After his daughter persuades him to move into a new apartment, aged widower Fred strikes up a friendship with his eccentric 74-year-old neighbour Elsa, who convinces him it's never too late to keep enjoying life. Although he seemed resigned to a miserable bedridden existence, Fred embraces Elsa's youthful enthusiasm as she introduces him to the path of life and entertains him with outlandish stories about her past life. But when he discovers Elsa's terminally ill, Fred decides to accompany her on the trip of her dreams to the eternal city of Rome to help her fulfil a lifelong ambition.
Nothing Left to Fear
Wendy, her husband Dan and their kids have just moved to the small town of Stull, Kansas, where Dan is the new pastor. But in this sleepy community of friendly neighbors, a horrific series of occurrences awaits them: Their teenage daughter is being tormented by grisly visions. Her younger sister has been marked for a depraved ritual. And deep within the heartland darkness, one of The Seven Gates of Hell demands the blood of the innocent to unleash the creatures of the damned.
Concerned Citizen (uncredited)
ある夜、ボートで釣りを楽しんでいた一行の竿に掛かったのは巨大なサメだった。 しかし恐怖のあまりサメを撃ち殺してしまった彼らを、復讐のため蘇ったサメが襲う―!! それから数日後、人ごみで賑わうビーチが騒然とする。青白く光るサメが出現し、人々を襲ったのだ! その惨劇が去った後に現場についた地元警察は、その話を信じようとはしなかった。 そこに偶然居合わせたエバと妹のシスリー、友達のブレイスは犠牲者の残したビデオカメラに光るサメの証拠をつかむ。 そこには光るサメの背びれが映っていたのだ。 しかし警察は彼らの証言を真に受けることはなく次々と犠牲者が増えるのだった…。 ゴーストと化したサメは、水がある場所はどこでも出現出来るのだった。 豪邸のプール、シャワールーム、水たまり…。 街の至る所に出現し、ひとを襲うサメに住民たちは為す術をなくす…。
ディス・イズ・ジ・エンド 俺たちハリウッドスターの最凶最期の日
Partygoer (uncredited)
Flying Monkeys
EMT Raines
A teenage girl thinks that the monkey she owns is her innocent pet, but it turns out to be something much more dangerous, an evil shapeshifter capable of unthinkable acts no loyal pet would ever be able to perform.