Tea Falco

Tea Falco

出生 : 1986-08-11, Catania, Italy


Tea Falco


Holy Son
The daily routine of a young couple is disturbed by some shocking news. A strange dream appears to herald a terrible and, at the same time, wonderful truth.
Holy Son
The daily routine of a young couple is disturbed by some shocking news. A strange dream appears to herald a terrible and, at the same time, wonderful truth.
Magical Nights
Italian Actress
Rome, 1990. The night Italy's national football team is eliminated from the World Cup by Argentina on penalty kicks, a well-known film producer is found dead in the Tiber river. The main suspects for the murder are three young aspiring screenwriters, who–promptly taken to the police–start to tell their version of the story.
Ceci n'est pas un cannolo
A documentary about today's Sicily.
Anatomy of Betrayal
An extended family reunites after a long time to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their grandparents on an idyllic island. However, they get stranded there for longer than they expected, causing secrets and long-held grudges to break out.
La solita commedia - Inferno
Gesù / Sionia / Vigilessa / Maria / Fidanzata di Pietro
Hell can't take the new types of sinners.
Giro di giostra
L'ultimo metro di pellicola
A compassionate look at the way the digital revolution has affected the Sicilian movie theater industry.
Sotto una buona stella
Lia Picchioni
A wealthy broker, Federico Picchioni, within two days forfeits his partner and work, finishing well to living with two children and granddaughter (abandoned by her father). He is, at this point, in the face of many difficulties of adjustment but finds comfort in the help of his neighbor.
「ラストエンペラー」「シェルタリング・スカイ」の巨匠ベルナルド・ベルトルッチ監督が重い病で車椅子生活を余儀なくされながらも、2003年の「ドリーマーズ」以来10年ぶりの復活を果たして撮り上げた青春ドラマ。周囲に馴染めない孤独な14歳の少年が腹違いの大人びた姉と自宅地下室で過ごす秘密の1週間を綴ったニッコロ・アンマニーティの同名小説を映画化。  周囲に馴染めず、独りが好きなちょっと変わり者の14歳、ロレンツォ。学校行事のスキー合宿に行くと両親を騙して向かった先は、自分の住むアパルトマンの地下室。彼はそこに食料を持ち込み、寝床や暖房も確保したその秘密の部屋で、好きな本と音楽に浸って一週間を過ごす計画だったのだ。ところがそこに、異母姉のオリヴィアが転がり込んでくる。美しく奔放な上、麻薬中毒でもあるオリヴィアの登場で、のんびり過ごすはずだったロレンツォの地下室生活は思いもよらぬ方向へと転がり始めるが…。
Sedia Elettrica: il making of del film Io e Te
Making of documentary of Bernardo Bertolucci's Io e Te.
I Vicerè
In late 19th-century Sicily, the noble Uzeda family – whose lineage dates back to the ancient viceroys that ruled those lands – fights to preserve its waning power in the face of the newly unified Italian regime.