Scott Mactavish


Family Mission: The TJ Lobraico Story
Family Mission is a feature documentary based on the life of TJ Lobraico, a USAF Staff Sergeant from Connecticut who gave his life for his country in Afghanistan in 2013. TJ's mother, father and step-father also served in the Air Force, and the film explores the history and dynamics of these brave Americans who consider service to others a family mission.
Family Mission: The TJ Lobraico Story
Family Mission is a feature documentary based on the life of TJ Lobraico, a USAF Staff Sergeant from Connecticut who gave his life for his country in Afghanistan in 2013. TJ's mother, father and step-father also served in the Air Force, and the film explores the history and dynamics of these brave Americans who consider service to others a family mission.
MURPH: The Protector
A documentary based on the honor, courage and commitment of Navy SEAL LT Michael P. Murphy, who gave his life for his men in 2005 and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2007.
MURPH: The Protector
A documentary based on the honor, courage and commitment of Navy SEAL LT Michael P. Murphy, who gave his life for his men in 2005 and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2007.
スーパーマリオ 魔界帝国の女神
6500万年前、巨大隕石の落下によって、恐竜世界と人間世界が2つに引き裂かれた。絶滅したと思われていた恐竜は進化し、独自の世界を地下に作り上げていった。 そして現代のニューヨーク・ブルックリン。ある1人の女性が教会の前で何かを置きその場を去って行く。それは1つの大きな卵と小さな石。教会のシスター達はこれらを拾う。シスター達の前で何と卵から人間の赤ん坊が生まれた。更に20年の時が経った。ブルックリンで配管工の仕事を請け負うマリオとルイージの兄弟は、地下の下水路で化石発掘を行う調査チームのリーダーであるデイジーと知り合う。ある日、マリオとルイージはデイジー、マリオの恋人ダニエラと外食を楽しむ。食事後マリオ達と別れたダニエラが突然2人の謎の男に誘拐され、その次にデイジーも誘拐されてしまった。マリオ達は後を追い地下を訪れた。そこではデイジーが謎の入り口に引きずり込まれ、マリオ達もその入り口に飛び込んだ。その先には広大な地下空間に広がる恐竜人の帝国を発見した。デイジーを探してさ迷う2人に、地下帝国の王クッパの手が迫る。
Under The Trestle
Under the Trestle is a feature length documentary based on the 1980 disappearance of college student Gina Hall and the following trial and conviction of Stephen Epperly in the first "no body" murder case in the history of Virginia.