Production Designer
It is the summer of 1982. Garance is eleven years old and lives in a remote hamlet in the Cevennes where her parents are trying to lead an alternative life. When two Italian activists rob a bank in the area, things go wrong. This event turns Garance and her family's life upside down.
Production Design
In 1982, Yann Andréa and Marguerite Duras have been living together for two years. She is almost 70 years old, while he is 38 years her junior. Andréa asks journalist and writer Michèle Manceaux to interview him about his life with Duras, an obsession that both impassions him and drives him mad. He believes by entrusting their story to Manceaux, he may gain more clarity of the relationship. What follows is an intense and compelling conversation delving into the deepest recesses of modern love.
Set Dresser
「燃ゆる女の肖像」のセリーヌ・シアマが監督・脚本を手がけ、娘・母・祖母の3世代をつなぐ喪失と癒しの物語をつづった作品。 大好きだった祖母を亡くした8歳の少女ネリーは両親に連れられ、祖母が住んでいた森の中の一軒家を片付けに来る。しかし、少女時代をこの家で過ごした母は何を目にしても祖母との思い出に胸を締め付けられ、ついに家を出て行ってしまう。残されたネリーは森を散策するうちに、母マリオンと同じ名前を名乗る8歳の少女と出会い、親しくなる。少女に招かれて彼女の家を訪れると、そこは“おばあちゃんの家”だった……。 本作が映画初出演のジョセフィーヌ&ガブリエル・サンス姉妹がネリーとマリオンを演じ、「女の一生」のニナ・ミュリス、「サガン 悲しみよこんにちは」のマルゴ・アバスカルが共演。2021年・第71回ベルリン国際映画祭コンペティション部門出品。
Set Decoration
In a social context deteriorated by a countrywide economic crisis, the life of several people will be turned upside down after they meet Cécile, a character who symbolizes desire.
Production Design
とあるクリスマス。ヴュイヤール家では、母ジュノン(カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ)の病気をきっかけに、長女エリザベート(アンヌ・コンシニ)、三男イヴァン(メルヴィル・プポー)ら、子どもたちが集まっていた。しかし、絶縁されていた次男アンリ(マチュー・アマルリック)の登場で、穏やかなクリスマスに波風が立ち始める。 フランス映画界を代表する面々が出演し、2008年のセザール賞で9部門にノミネートされたヒューマン・ドラマ。クリスマスに集ったある家族の物語がドラマチックにつづられていく。監督は『キングス&クイーン』のアルノー・デプレシャン。大女優カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴをはじめ、『潜水服は蝶の夢を見る』のマチュー・アマルリック、『ブロークン』のメルヴィル・プポーらが集っている。豪華キャストによる極上のアンサンブルが魅力だ。
Production Design
Three couples and a single guy, from different social and career backgrounds, and of various ages, struggle with finding happiness in their lives.
Production Design
Journey of an african migrant through Europe.
Production Design
Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismael, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismael, however, has his own problems to sort out.
England, 14th century. King Edward II falls in love with Piers Gaveston, a young man of humble origins, whom he honors with favors and titles of nobility. The cold and jealous Queen Isabella conspires with the evil Mortimer to get rid of Gaveston, overthrow her husband and take power…