Valérie de Monza

Valérie de Monza


Valérie de Monza


Boring dinner guest
Victor, a disillusioned sexagenarian, sees his life turned upside down on the day when Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers him a new kind of attraction: mixing theatrical artifices and historical reconstruction, this company offers his clients a chance to dive back into the era of their choice. Victor then chose to relive the most memorable week of his life: the one where, 40 years earlier, he met the great love.
Book Fair Woman
ベストセラー作家に近づく謎に満ちたエル<彼女>。 彼女は何者なのか? 狙いは何なのか? ふたりの女性の危ういほどスリリングな関係に、 ポランスキーが仕掛けた戦慄のミステリー フランスで今もっとも注目されている作家デルフィーヌ・ド・ヴィガンの小説「デルフィーヌの友情」を映像化したのは巨匠ロマン・ポランスキー。熟練の技巧を凝らして随所に意味ありげな描写を織り交ぜながら、ふたりのヒロインがたどる予測不能の運命をスリリングに映し出す。人間の孤独とアイデンティティーの揺らぎ、密室的なシチュエーションで膨れ上がる極限の不安、じわじわと曖昧になっていく現実とフィクションの境目。これらまさしくポランスキー的なサスペンスと倒錯が渦巻く映像世界は、ひとときもスクリーンから目が離せず、ラスト・シーンを見届けた後もしばし観客を幻惑する。
Parent group woman
Mélanie, 16 years old, lives with her mother. She likes going to school, her friends, playing the cello, and she wants to change the world. But when she meets a boy on the Internet and falls in love with him, her world changes as she is gradually recruited by Daesh. Sonia is 17 years old, and she almost did something irrevocable to “guarantee” her family a place in paradise. These teenage girls might be called Anaïs, Manon or Leila, and one day they all might go some way down the recruitment process. But can they ever come back from it?
Directrice école
A young woman makes a surprising discovery about the wife of her late best friend.
Paris, France. Fred and his colleagues, members of the BPM, the Police Child Protection Unit, dedicated to pursuing all sorts of offenses committed against the weakest, must endure the scrutiny of Melissa, a photographer commissioned to graphically document the daily routine of the team.