Mutsumi Inomata

出生 : 1960-12-23, Kanagawa, Japan


Mutsumi Inomata is a Japanese illustrator and animator.


Tales of Crestoria: The Wake of Sin
Character Designer
The world called it a sin. Yasutaka Nakata and Kamikaze Douga team up once again in a new collaboration. Together, in a 15-minute short anime, they portray a beautiful re-imagining of the main characters embarking on their journey, the opening to TALES OF CRESTORIA’s main story. Experience the game’s uniquely depicted world in this superbly rendered 3D animation. Witness the tale of those who set out on a journey in the wake of sin.
セイクリッドセブン 銀月の翼
Character Designer
舞台は、関東のとある港町―。孤独な生活を送る高校生・丹童子アルマの前に、執事とメイドを引き連れた「藍羽財団」CEOを名乗る少女、藍羽ルリが現れる。強力な力を持つ石の魔物「悪石」に立ち向かえるのは、アルマが持つ「セイクリッドセブン」の力のみ。 アルマ一人では制御できなかったセイクリッドセブンの力を、ルリは自身が持つ力で解放させ、アルマの真の姿「セイクリッドアルマ・リベレイター」を発現させる!お互いの意思を交わしたアルマとルリは、次々と巻き起こる事件の中で巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていく…。そんな中、突如二人の前に現れた謎の男。それは、もう一人のセイクリッドテイカー・輝島ナイトであった!
埼玉暴走最前線 フラッグ! 死にものぐるいの青春!!
Character Designer
Based on the manga Flag! by Hotta Akio, serialised in Young King from 1992 to 1995.
Character Designer
Three adventurers - a warrior, a priest, and a young woman - traverse a land devastated by centuries of environmental calamaties searching only for a way to survive. In their journeys they stumble across first the remains of a band of desperate treasure-hunters, and then the treasure they were seeking: Azec Sistra, the legendeary City of the Dead. Unfortunately, the bandits responsible for slaughtering the treasure-hunters have also found their way to the city, but more worrisome still are the guardians which protect Azec Sistra from those who would violate the spirits at rest there. . .
Character Designer
In the chaos of the Jinshin-no-Ran civil war of 762, a child with a small horn in his forehead was born. The child's mother condemned him as an oni and cast him away. An elderly shūgenja woman claimed the child and named him Utsunomiko, or 'Divine Child of the Heavens', telling Miko that his horn smybolizes the union of heaven and earth. Miko matured in the wilderness learning the ways of Shugendō, and soon started venturing into villages out of curiosity. He found that the common people of the villages live in poverty and suffering, and began using his spiritual powers to help them. But his anger at the self-serving rulers and their petty power-struggles grew until he came into open conflict with the Imperial Court, setting Miko down a long path as a champion of the oppressed.
Comic Book
In the chaos of the Jinshin-no-Ran civil war of 762, a child with a small horn in his forehead was born. The child's mother condemned him as an oni and cast him away. An elderly shūgenja woman claimed the child and named him Utsunomiko, or 'Divine Child of the Heavens', telling Miko that his horn smybolizes the union of heaven and earth. Miko matured in the wilderness learning the ways of Shugendō, and soon started venturing into villages out of curiosity. He found that the common people of the villages live in poverty and suffering, and began using his spiritual powers to help them. But his anger at the self-serving rulers and their petty power-struggles grew until he came into open conflict with the Imperial Court, setting Miko down a long path as a champion of the oppressed.
めぞん一刻 完結篇
Key Animation
Character Designer
The legend of Watt Poe, a mysterious whale said to give happiness, in a world destroyed many years ago by a nuclear war
Key Animation
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Manami Hanemoto is the granddaughter of Delpower X's creator Dr Tatsuemon. The Gernanoids, soldiers the army of Getzeru, are out to destroy the robot and its young pilot as part of their mission of galactic conquest.
Animation Director
Character Designer
Character Designer
Agent Kate Lee Jackson of the GPP (Space Police) frees the mute girl Muna from a prison on the Bentika Empire, a huge floating satellite. She also frees Bavi Stock, a young boxer jailed after accidentally killing an opponent and is in danger of being killed by the brutal prison regime.
Character Designer
17歳の多感な女子高生・朝霧陽子。ある日、彼女は恋する人への想いを込め、自ら作った曲を手に、想いを告白しようとするが、自らの不安に負け、告白する事が出来なかった。 後悔の念にとらわれる陽子。次の瞬間、彼女の身体はこの世界から消え去っていた。 陽子のとばされた世界<アシャンティ>は、時空を司る女神・レダに見離され、今や廃墟となりつつあった。次々と現れる不可思議な生き物に、驚きとまどう陽子。そして彼女に襲いかかる謎の兵士達。全てを解くカギは、彼女の作った曲にあった。 彼女の曲が失われたレダパワーを復活させる、レダのハートになっていたのだ。 一見とぼけた風のリンガムや、伝説を信じ、たった一人で果敢に戦い続けるレダの巫女ヨニらと出会い、レダの戦士として目覚めた陽子は、レダパワーを悪用し、次元を超え陽子の世界たるノアを征服せんとするゼルに戦いを挑んでゆく。 それは又、彼女自身の弱い心との戦いでもあった……。
17歳の多感な女子高生・朝霧陽子。ある日、彼女は恋する人への想いを込め、自ら作った曲を手に、想いを告白しようとするが、自らの不安に負け、告白する事が出来なかった。 後悔の念にとらわれる陽子。次の瞬間、彼女の身体はこの世界から消え去っていた。 陽子のとばされた世界<アシャンティ>は、時空を司る女神・レダに見離され、今や廃墟となりつつあった。次々と現れる不可思議な生き物に、驚きとまどう陽子。そして彼女に襲いかかる謎の兵士達。全てを解くカギは、彼女の作った曲にあった。 彼女の曲が失われたレダパワーを復活させる、レダのハートになっていたのだ。 一見とぼけた風のリンガムや、伝説を信じ、たった一人で果敢に戦い続けるレダの巫女ヨニらと出会い、レダの戦士として目覚めた陽子は、レダパワーを悪用し、次元を超え陽子の世界たるノアを征服せんとするゼルに戦いを挑んでゆく。 それは又、彼女自身の弱い心との戦いでもあった……。
Animation Director
Key Animation
A compilation movie containing episodes 20 and 17 from the GoShogun series plus additional scenes of background stories of the characters and fictional advertisements.
Animation Director
A compilation movie containing episodes 20 and 17 from the GoShogun series plus additional scenes of background stories of the characters and fictional advertisements.
Key Animation
After polluting their own planet beyond repair, a race of evil aliens target earth as their next home. Now it is up to a lone outcast and his robotic spacecraft, Baldios, to defend earth. But, first he must convince the distrusting human population of the impending danger.