Yun Kouga

出生 : 1965-07-09,


UN-GO episode:0 因果論
Character Designer
劇場版 機動戦士ガンダムOO -A wakening of the Trailblazer-
Character Designer
イノベイドの力による支配で地球人類を導こうとしたリボンズ・アルマークとソレスタルビーイング(CB)の死闘は、真のイノベイターへの覚醒を遂げて人間同士の相互理解への道を示した、刹那・F・セイエイの勝利によって幕を閉じた。情報操作によって悪行を隠蔽し続けていた独立治安維持部隊アロウズは解体され、世界は再編成された地球連邦平和維持軍(連邦軍)の下で、ようやく真の平和へ向けて歩み始めたのだった。 それから2年後の西暦2314年。表舞台から姿を消したCBの刹那やロックオン・ストラトス達は戦争の抑止力となるべく、密かに活動を続けていた。しかし、新たな戦争の火種が迫りつつあった。発端は、130年前に廃船となったはずの木星探査船「エウロパ」の地球圏への漂着。エウロパには一切の生体反応が無かったが、地球への突入を防ぐために連邦軍のイノベイターであるデカルト・シャーマン大尉の手で破壊された。しかし、この一件以降、無人の乗り物の暴走、イノベイターへ覚醒しつつある人々への脳量子波の干渉、人体へ寄生する謎の金属生命体の発見などの怪事件が頻発し始めた。 新たな戦いを予期したCBは、謎の金属生命体の調査を開始する。
Earthian 4: Final Battle
Messiah is missing, and presumed dead. Chihaya, however, is convinced the angelic destroyer is very much alive, and his obsession with finding Messiah is endangering his relationship with Kagetsuya. Now Chihaya will not only lose Messiah to the mad Dr. Ashino, but he may lose his own life to the very one whom he cares most about. This episode has two male characters falling in love with each other.
Earthian 3: Angelic Destroyer
The Great War between the Angels and the Earthians is over, but Dr. Ashino still lives. While Chihaya and Kagetsuya, are in the midst of rescuing two young angels from the doctor's horrific laboratory, they stumble upon Messiah. Messiah, a genetically engineered destroyer in the form of a beautiful young angel, only has eyes for sweet Chihaya. In this episode two men are gonna make love in the bed, but one of them just isn't in the mood for it.
Earthian: The Beginning of the End
For five hundred million years, the Angels have been watching Earth from Planet Eden. They have documented the virtues and vices of the Earthians. If the wrongs exceed the rights, Earth will then be destroyed. Kagetsuya and Chihaya are sent to the Earth to investigate the positive and negative sides of the Earthians. Despite this anime being "yaoi", there is almost no gay-love in the first 2 episodes. In episode 1, a male kisses another male angel in the chest, resulting a bad wound in the chest to heal quickly. In episode 3, two men are gonna make love in the bed, but one of them just isn't in the mood for this. Episode 4 has two male characters falling in love with each other.
Original Story
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.