Ned Benson
出生 : 1977-04-03, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?
Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?
Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?
「アベンジャーズ」シリーズをはじめとしたマーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)の各作品で活躍した、スカーレット・ヨハンソン演じるブラック・ウィドウが単独で主役を務めた作品で、孤高の暗殺者だったブラック・ウィドウがなぜアベンジャーズになったのか、知られざる物語が明らかにされる。物語の時代設定は「シビル・ウォー キャプテン・アメリカ」と「アベンジャーズ インフィニティ・ウォー」の間で、ブラック・ウィドウがアベンジャーズから離れていた時期に起こった出来事を描く。ブラック・ウィドウの前に突如現れた、“妹”エレーナ。姉妹は、自分たちを暗殺者に育てたスパイ組織「レッドルーム」の秘密を知ったことで命を狙われる。唯一の味方は、かつて組織が作り出した“偽りの家族”だけだった。しかし、その家族の再会によってレッドルームの恐るべき陰謀が動き出す。エレーナ役は「ストーリー・オブ・マイライフ わたしの若草物語」でアカデミー助演女優賞にノミネートされたフローレンス・ピュー。監督は、「ベルリン・シンドローム」のケイト・ショートランド。2021年7月8日から劇場公開され、7月9日からDisney+でも配信(追加料金が必要なプレミアアクセスで公開)。
Told from the male perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Told from the female perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Told from the male perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Told from the male perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Told from the female perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
Told from the female perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone.
A New York couple's relationship is tested after the loss of their child. This film is the wide-released combination of the original two :him and :her volumes that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
A New York couple's relationship is tested after the loss of their child. This film is the wide-released combination of the original two :him and :her volumes that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
A New York couple's relationship is tested after the loss of their child. This film is the wide-released combination of the original two :him and :her volumes that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
A couple confronts uncertainty in their relationship after being apart for three months.
About a young boy who runs away from home, trying to find his way to a place he once visited with his mother.
A couple confronts uncertainty in their relationship after being apart for three months.
A couple confronts uncertainty in their relationship after being apart for three months.
About a young boy who runs away from home, trying to find his way to a place he once visited with his mother.
About a young boy who runs away from home, trying to find his way to a place he once visited with his mother.
A film about the complications of grief experienced through two couples in the mid-1970's.
A film about the complications of grief experienced through two couples in the mid-1970's.