Hozumi Goda

Hozumi Goda

出生 : 1957-08-22, Tokyo, Japan


Hozumi Goda is a Japanese actor, voice actor and sound director affiliated with OgiPro The Next.


Hozumi Goda


Sound Director
太陽系第二商業宇宙域で働く普通のOLさん・チッチは、お休みになると愛機たくあん号にまたがり、無数の銀河を旅する宇宙キャンパー! 今週末も惑星天の多摩でゆるっとハンモックに揺られる予定が、道中で不思議な重力に導かれ、廃船の墓場みたいな星に不時着!突然、ビバークすることに。 そんなチッチの前に現れたのは、巨大なライフルと狩った獲物を引っ提げた謎の男…。果たしてチッチの宇宙キャンプはどうなってしまうのか!?
Sound Director
When Ritsu Onodera changes jobs, looking for a fresh start, he's not exactly thrilled when his new boss turns out to be his old flame. Ritsu's determined to leave all that in the past—but how can he when his boss is just as determined that they have a future? Tired of accusations that family connections got him his current position, Ritsu Onodera quits his job as an editor at his father's company and transfers to Marukawa Publishing. Once there, he is assigned to the shojo manga editorial department—something he has no interest in and no experience with! Having sworn he'd never fall in love again, the last thing he wants to do is work on love stories. To make matters worse, it turns out that his overbearing boss, Masamune Takano, is actually his first love from high school!
007 / Great Britain (voice)
Schubert (voice)
Houkago Midnighters is about a human anatomical model that comes to life at midnight in a school.
装甲騎兵ボトムズ 孤影再び
Chirico Cuvie
The fight with the Martial Church had dire consequences, and Chirico now finds himself a wanderer. An encounter with a woman called Stevia leads to a reunion with old friends, but the homecoming must wait since war refuses to leave Chirico alone.
劇場版メタルファイト ベイブレードVS太陽 灼熱の侵略者ソルブレイズ
It's summer vacation. In front of Ginga an Co, who are excited about a Beyblade tournament, Helios, a mysterious youth, stands in their way. In his hands, he possesses "Sol Blaze", a Beyblade that has been passed down since ancient times. As intense battle between Ginga vs. Helios unfolds, extreme weather develops throughout the world.
銀幕ヘタリア Axis Powers Paint it, White (白くぬれ!)
奴らは人間のみならず、 世界中の建造から自然までも、 謎の光線でのっぺら化してしまう。 そんな地球の危機に集まったいつもの8人は、 アメリカの親友トニーから、 ピクト星人が銀河系のすべてをのっぺら化しようとしていることを知る!
装甲騎兵ボトムズ ペールゼン・ファイルズ 劇場版
Chirico Cuvie
Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files explores the origins of Chirico Cuvie as explained by the Red Shoulder Battalion's now-disgraced commander, Col Yoran Pailsen. Compilation of the Pailsen Files OAV series.
Executive (voice)
恋と星空に憧れる天文部員こずえ。夏休み、ひとり天体観測の旅に出る。 「誰かに呼ばれている・・・」そんな不思議な気持ちと、光り輝く隕石のカケラが、こずえの旅を後押ししていた。答えは、きっと星が教えてくれる・・・旅先の天文館で、こずえは寂しい目をした少年と出会う。 こずえはその少年に惹かれていくが、彼の生まれ持った使命が、容赦なく二人を隔絶してしまう。 少年の閉ざされた心を開くため、こずえは走る。 満天の星空のもと、キセキの夜が始まる―。
キン肉マンII世 マッスル人参争奪! 超人大戦争
時空異邦人KYOKO ちょこらにおまかせ!
Sound Director
Preparing a party for her anniversary with the King, when he failed to show up Chocola decided to run away from the castle.
R.O.D リード・オア・ダイ
Joseph Carpenter
Part time worker at a cafe investigates a stalker case that turns into a murder case.
Crow 眠らない天使たち
Yakuza Underworld Murder Story
ビーストウォーズII ライオコンボイ危機一髪!
Lio Convoy (Voice)
A spaceship carrying a Dimentional Warp Gate crashes on Planet Gaea. Galvatron tricks Lio Junior into handing over the control of the gate. With the power to cross time and space, Galvatron intends to bring Megatron to Gaea. But Gigastorm mistakenly brings the behemoth Majin Zarak instead. The Maximals are overpowered by this Predacon giant, so Magnaboss using the gate to call in Optimus Primal...