Joe Kuroda


Red Sun Rising
Kyoto Police Captain
Thomas Hoshino (Willson) is a tough Japanese detective, who lost his partner by a deadly Yakuza killer Jaho (Lew). He tracks down the killer and his master to Los Angeles, where he teams up with Det. Karen Ryder (Farrell). Soon they discover that Yakuza prepares a gang war and weapon smuggling. Hoshino must find a way to defeat the killer who posses mystical ninja powers.
Possessed by the Night
Mr. Wong
A horror writer buys an odd looking mutant embryo creature, pickled in a jar, from a shop in Chinatown, hoping it will be a creative inspiration for his work. Instead, the odd mutation provokes a rage of violence and lust to envelop the suburban villa where the writer lives with his wife and sexy secretary.
Deadly Target
Man #1
A Chinese gangster in Los Angeles escapes on the eve of his deportation to Hong Kong. A martial-arts master detective and his ragtag team get caught up in the action as they track down this ruthless killer.
Japanese Prime Minister
アメリカ北東部ボルティモアで職業紹介所を経営していたデーヴ・コーヴィックは、アメリカの第44代大統領ウィリアム・ハリソン・ミッチェルに瓜二つと言えるほど酷似した容姿を持っており、友人の店などで大統領の物まねを披露していた。 そんなある日、デーヴのもとにシークレットサービスがやってきて、ある公式行事の際の大統領の影武者を引き受けることになる。ところが、その夜、大統領が脳卒中で倒れ、「一夜限り」との当初の約束に反し、デーヴは影武者としてしばらく大統領職を務める羽目になる…。