Yasutoshi Murakawa


Love song
白金西公園付近で男性の遺体が見つかり、機捜235で街を巡回する縞長省一(中村梅雀)と高丸卓也(平岡祐太)が現場へ急行。免許証から被害者は田崎正也(大滝明利)だと判明する。左手にはコイン型のペンダントヘッドが握られていた。さらに「公園の東側は自分たちの管轄だ」と駆け付けた、第一機動捜査隊の倉沢巧(増田貴久)らが怪しげな車を発見。それは厚生労働省の事務次官公用車で、田崎はドライバーだった。だが同乗していた事務次官・重田由紀恵(若村麻由美)の姿はなく…。 高丸は手柄を横取りされたと悔しがるが、その後、別の捜査に当たっていると、倉沢らが乗る機捜136が管轄外である渋谷区の病院に入っていくのを目撃する。一体なぜ病院へ…?その頃、厚労省で聴取を受けていた秘書・真壁智彦(山崎樹範)らに、由紀恵を拉致したという人物から電話が!事態は誘拐事件へと発展していく。
A connection is found between a string of arsons and a 12 year old murder.
アイアンガール Final Wars
西暦20XX年。サイボーグの存在は日常に溶け込み、人間と人工知能の共存生活は現代より一層濃密にシンクロしていた。しかし地球防衛のために開発した人工知能JUDA(ユダ)が、人間こそが地球の敵であると判断したことで、人間VSサイボーグの戦争が勃発。世界は壊滅的な状況に追い込まれた。 その戦いの中でサイボーグへと改造された早乙女クリスは、失われたかつての記憶をたどりながら戦いを続けていた。混乱のさなか、破壊兵器開発をもくろむ軍事企業「4thダイアモンド」、テロ組織「アルカロイド」、勢力に抵抗しながら平和を目指す自警団「レジスタンス」。三つ巴のの争いが始まる。
案山子とラケット 亜季と珠子の夏休み
A 3rd year transfer student from a Tokyo middle school, was emotionally hurt in the soft tennis club she belonged to at her previous school. Unaware of this, Tamako pesters Aki to teach her soft tennis. Together, they go about creating a court on the campus of a closed-down school.
アイアンガール Ultimate Weapon
Set in the near future in a lawless world. Kurisu Saotome (Kirara Asuka) is a beautiful woman, but she is also a deadly bounty hunter. She wears an armored suit, possessing great power, and she is known as Iron Girl. Kurisu Saotome doesn't remember who she really is or where she comes from. To regain her memory, she continues her lonely battle.
Jaws in Japan
Beautiful girls are in danger. At Sunny Beach, a huge shark is waiting for his prey. College students Miki and Mai arrive on a private beach on a tropical island. They can't find the hotel where they booked their reservations, and have gotten hopelessly lost, until a handsome young man shows up, offering to take them to his lodge. But something is not right about the place. The owner's fingernails are tainted with blood and Miki feels something sinister lurking nearby.
お姉チャンバラ THE MOVIE
The dead have risen to feast on the flesh of the living, and just when it seems that all hope for humanity has been lost, bikini girls with machine guns take one last shot at saving mankind from certain extinction. In the near future, a deranged scientist named Sugita has conducted a series of experiments intended to reanimate the dead. Unfortunately for the entire population of the planet, these experiments were a resounding success. Now, as a massive, shambling army of the undead launches a bloody war against their living counterparts, wandering beauties Aya (Eri Otoguro) and Reiko (Manami Hashimoto) team up to destroy every last zombie in sight. Unfortunately, Aya's sword-wielding schoolgirl sister Saki (Chise Nakamura) is in league with the nefarious Sugita. When Aya discovers that Saki has killed their father, she vows to take brutal revenge against her murderous younger sibling. Meanwhile, the zombie population is growing at an alarming rate.