Benjamin Baroche

Benjamin Baroche

出生 : 1971-03-22, France


Benjamin Baroche


Le Saut du diable 2 : le sentier des loups
Mathias Caron
The sequel to the TV Movie "Le Saut du Diable".
When Elina, a young aspiring rapper forced to move from Finland to southern France, meets Sofia, her new step-sister and an impressive ballerina, she immediately falls in love with her.
Le Saut du diable 2 : le Sentier des loups
Mathias Caron
If Only
Alma, Jean and Sebastiano, the children of divorced parents, arrive in Rome from Paris on a visit to their father. During a holiday, the family’s tensions come to the surface.
De toutes mes forces
Père d'Eva et Maxime
Nassim, a 16-year-old boy, is placed with a family in the suburbs following the death of his drug addict mother. But he refuses to integrate into the social setting that surrounds him. He invents another life for himself, similar to that of his mates at the big Parisian high school he goes to. There’s no reason for that to change. His two lives, his home life and his school life, must be kept separate at all costs.
Blood Red
Les Apaches
While thousands of tourists invade the beaches, camping grounds and clubs, five teenagers from Porto Vecchio hang out. One evening one of them leads the others to an unoccupied luxury villa. They spend the night there. Before they leave, they steal some objects of no value and two prize rifles. When the house owner arrives from Paris, she complains about the theft to a small local boss she knows…
The Odyssey of Love
Why and how do we fall in love? A scientist analyses how Juliette is the victim of a thunderbolt. 3D images show how the senses of Juliet are stirred by the emotions of her love for John.
Le Cœur du sujet
Le capitaine Clair
A housewife with two kids and a police officer husband, meets an acquaintance who comes to live in the apartment next door. He is also a cop.
Eden Log
A man wakes up deep inside a cave. Suffering amnesia, he has no recollection of how he came to be here or of what happened to the man whose body he finds beside him. Tailed by a mysterious creature, he must continue through this strange and fantastic world. Enclosed, Tolbiac has no other option to reach the surface than to use REZO ZERO, secret observing cells in this cemetery-like abandoned mine.
Déjà vu
Josse / Angelin
フランス人フォトグラファー、マリオンと、アメリカ人インテリアデザイナー、ジャックは、付き合って2年になるニューヨーク在住のカップル。イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けたベネチアでのバカンスの後、立ち寄ったのは、彼女の生まれ故郷である、恋人たちの都・パリ。この町で過ごす2日間に期待をかけるふたりだが、雲行きは怪しい…。  マリオンの両親に会ったジャックは、そのあまりの自由奔放っぷりに圧倒され、カルチャーショックを受ける。さらに街に出れば、次々とマリオンの元カレに遭遇。別れた後は二度と元カノに会わないタイプのジャックは、元カレと親しげに振る舞うマリオンの姿に、戸惑いを隠せない。嫉妬心と猜疑心にさいなまれた彼のイライラは募るばかりで、ふたりの関係もギクシャクし始めてしまう。果たして、ふたりは関係を修復することができるのか?それともこのまま別れてしまうのか?
The Deep End
Lucille, an introverted eleven year old girl, live with her parents, who are caretakers of the swimming pool in which they stay. Because of the weirdness of this place, which looks like a flying saucer, an awful anguish comes out of Lucille's mind. The "unidentified frightening object" of her confusion would happen to be even more obsessing than all fears of childhood.