Joseph Graybill

Joseph Graybill

出生 : 1887-04-17, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

死亡 : 1913-08-03


Joseph Graybill


Saving Mabel’s Dad
Fred - Mabel's Suitor
Three rivals are aspirants for the hand of Mabel. Dad falls asleep in a rowboat and is set adrift by one, who tries to win favor as a hero by rescuing him, using a motorboat going at lightning speed. He is exposed, however, and his work goes for naught, as Mabel clings to the man of her choice.
Star of Bethlehem
Roman Messenger
Following a bright wandering star, three magi from the East travel to Bethlehem of Judea to meet a very special newborn baby. Meanwhile, King Herod, driven by a hideous prophecy, orders him to be found and murdered.
The Victim of Anger
An abusive father and husband attends a play one night and sees that the "villain" in the piece does to his family exactly what he is doing to his own family.
The Informer
Union Soldier
The young lover leaving home at the opening of the war to join the Confederate Army, tells his brother to take care of his fatherless sweetheart during the perilous times which are to follow. But the brother weakens and fails to be true to his trust. He permits her to believe that her lover is dead. Caught in the neighborhood, however, between the lines of the enemy, the brother appears before them at the crucial moment. In retaliation the false brother turns informer. Both forces are aroused to arms and during the attack upon the girl defending her wounded lover and family alone in the negro's cabin retribution comes in the form of a stray bullet.
The Painted Lady
The Stranger
A lonely young woman lives with her strict father who forbids her to wear make-up. One day at an ice cream social, she meets a young man you seems interested in her. However, unknown to her, he is a burglar who is only interested in breaking into her father's house. One night she is awakened by a noise.
The Ring of a Spanish Grandee
John de Silva - the Suitor
A romantic young girl, visiting St. Augustine, finds that she must make the choice which means happiness or misery for life. She has two suitors, one an everyday young American who has made his way in the world and is proud of it. He has money, will have more, and in every way would seem desirable. But the other man had ancestors!
The Lighthouse Keeper's Friend
A rich man who finds that there is nothing in life worth living for, is worse off than is a poor man in similar circumstances, for the poor man may he stricken with ambition, and in a last effort to attain fame and fortune, redeems himself. But what is a man to do if he has wealth, health, all the fame he desires, and yet looks at life through blue spectacles?
The Girl of the Grove
The Wooer
The girl was young, pretty, and also a good business woman. When her father died she took up the reins of management and ran an orange grove with successful results. Her capable hands were so busy that she had no time to think of love. One day, however, "the prince" appeared.
For Sale -- A Life
The Ill Husband
A nervous, fault-finding invalid decides that his health requires that he shall live in the South, and manages to exchange his place "Up North," for a shack and an orange grove in Florida.
Flying to Fortune
The Invalid Father
A wealthy old man, who has been a semi-invalid for years, is informed by his physician that his case is hopeless. The invalid decides to put "his home in order." Therefore it is a matter of gratification to him when he sees that his only daughter and the young partner in whom he implicitly relies seems to be mutually attracted. The partner is called to Europe just before the doctor gives his verdict, hut the invalid makes "everything all right" in his will. He provides that the bulk of his estate shall go to the girl, if she marries the partner within one year from the hour of her father's death.
Saved from Himself
The Young Clerk
Joseph Graybill, learning that his friends have been making a lot of money in the stock market, takes a flyer himself. However, when a drop in the shares he has bought wipes him out, he breaks into his employer's safe for money to pay for a margin call. Will the thought of his grey-haired mother and the importunities of his co-worker Mabel Normand stop him or will he descend to a life of crime?
Through Darkening Vales
Hard-working Dave loves Grace, but she rejects him for a flashier suitor. Grace is blinded in an accident, and her suitor abandons her. Meanwhile, Dave also goes blind from eye strain caused by overwork. Dave learns of Grace's misfortune and gives a doctor the money he was saving for his own operation, so her sight can be restored.
Love in the Hills
The City Suitor
A pretty mountain girl has to decide between three suitors, an upright young man from the mountains, a shiftless fiddler, and a visitor from the city.
The Long Road
In Bar
Edith enters a convent after losing her fiancé to someone else. Years later, Edith finds him again, now poverty-stricken, and secretly helps his family.
The Adventures of Billy
Second Tramp
Billy witnesses two tramps accidentally kill someone during a robbery. The tramps lock him up and decide that he must be killed, too.
The Making of a Man
Actor / Backstage
A young woman becomes infatuated with the leading man of a traveling theatrical troupe. She sneaks away to join him in the next town, but her father forces her to return home...
The Baron
The Baron's Friend
A Mack Sennett comedy short for Biograph released as a split reel along with the comedy The Villain Foiled.
The Villain Foiled
Hector Durant - the Villain
A Mack Sennett comedy for Biograph released as a split reel along with the comedy The Baron.
The Last Drop of Water
John - Mary's Suitor
A wagon train heading west across the great desert runs out of water, and is attacked by Indians. One man -- their last hope -- is sent out to find water.
A Country Cupid
The Half-Wit
Schoolteacher Edith breaks off her engagement after an argument with her fiancé. She writes him a note of reconciliation but throws it away. Without her knowledge, one of her students fishes it out of the trash and sends it to her fiancé. Later, Edith is alone grading papers when a man bursts in and threatens her.
The Primal Call
The Millionaire
A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.
Enoch Arden
Shipwrecked Sailor
Moving Picture World described the film: "There is a small need to describe this subject as the poem of Lord Tennyson is so well known, so suffice it to say that this Biograph subject is an unusually faithful portrayal of that beautiful romance of Enoch Arden, Annie Lee and Philip Ray, taken in scenes of rare beauty".
The Lonedale Operator
A Tramp
A young woman takes over her sick father's role as telegraph operator at a railway station, and has to deal with a team intent on train robbery.
The Hunter
As they have breakfast in their hunting lodge Howard jokingly tells his wife to improve her coffee or he'll shoot her. Later she meets him as he's out hunting and is accidentally shot and killed by another hunter. Because the maid overheard his joke at breakfast Howard is arrested for her murder.
A Decree of Destiny
Kenneth Marsden
Kenneth Marsden, a young artist in failing health is advised to go south to New Orleans, where he expects to find accommodation with an old-time friend of his mother. The old lady receives the son of her dear friend with open arms, but her two convent-bred nieces, Mary and Edith, are horrified at the thought of a man in the house. However, it isn't long after his arrival that he has made a decided impression upon the young ladies.
Fisher Folks
At Fair
A crippled girl marries a fisherman, who also has eyes for the town flirt.
The Italian Barber
Tony, the barber, on his way to the shop meets little Alice, the newsgirl, who runs a stand on a neighboring corner. He at once becomes smitten and can think of nothing else. Later they are betrothed and little Alice fancies she has made a good catch. However, clouds gather when Alice's sister Florence, who is a vaudeville artist, returns from her road tour with her sketch partner Bobby Mack, for the moment Tony sees Florence he transfers his affections to her. Poor Alice becomes aware of the waning of Tony's love for her and the heavy blow falls when on the night of the Barbers' Ball Tony escorts Florence thither. Alice being excessively romantic reasons that life without Tony is impossible so she is about to emulate the heroine of a novel she has been reading by terminating her unendurable existence with a pistol when Mack enters. The bullet she intended for her own lovelorn head passes through Mack's hat, scaring him stiff.
The Lesson
James, Reverend Hollister's Son
Short drama about the commandment "honour your father and your mother".
When We Were in Our 'Teens
Diplomacy was not Tom's strong suit. So when May showed to him her latest painting he poured scorn on it. He was anxious to discourage her from painting, knowing full well that she would never become a great artist. Howard, his rival, was more diplomatic. He praised her efforts, and is at once the top-notcher in May's esteem.
The House with Closed Shutters
Agnes's Second Suitor
During the Civil War a young soldier loses his nerve in battle and runs away to his home to hide; his sister puts on his uniform, takes her brother's place in the battle, and is killed. Their mother, not wanting the shameful truth to become known, closes all the shutters (hence the film's title) and keeps her son's presence a secret for many years, though two boyhood chums stumble upon the truth...
The Call to Arms
The Lord's Cousin
A Feudal Lord and his bride were visited by their cousin at a time when this Lord was presenting to his bride the family heirloom the Great Ruby of Irskaat. The cousin coveted it, and was determined to secure it. The Lord receives a call to arms and appreciating the danger of leaving this valuable jewel unguarded, buries it in a secluded part of the grounds. His soldiers now assembled, he departs, leaving his wife to the care of his trusted servants. No sooner had he left than the cousin returns with the subterfuge that he will stay at the palace guarding the wife until the Lord's return. This the wife appreciates, believing his tender well meant. Surreptitiously he rids the palace of the servants, placing his own in their stead. The poor woman is now in the absolute power of this despicable villain.
A Flash of Light
Horace Dooley
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
What the Daisy Said
The Young Gypsy
Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower, while the other has her fortune told by a gypsy. When the gypsy tells the fortune so as to serve his own purposes, complications soon develop.
Muggsy's First Sweetheart
One of Muggsy's friends
A scrappy lad from the skids attempts to court a well-to-do maiden. During his visits to her family estate, he upsets the Uplift committee that's weaseled their way into the home.
The Purgation
Two burglars break into an apartment to rob it. One look at the sleeping daughter of the house, and one of the burglars is so smitten that he forces his companion from the apartment at gunpoint, and resolves to go straight. Later, rescuing the girl from an attack, the boy is welcomed into the family’s home. He goes to work for the father’s company and becomes engaged to the girl. The boy’s former companions steal some jewels from the father’s safe, and the boy retrieves them, but not without exposing his own criminal past. The family’s trust in him is now shattered, but the boy asks and receives a chance to prove himself worthy after all.
The Marked Time-Table
Young Tom Powers has a wild, irresponsible lifestyle which is condemned by his father but indulged by his well-meaning mother. Tom is pressed to pay his gambling debts, but his father refuses to give him the money. Later, the father plans a business trip on which he will be carrying a large amount of cash. In desperation, Tom disguises himself and surreptitiously enters the house to steal his father’s wallet. Seeing the "burglar" but unaware of his identity, his mother removes the money from the wallet and substitutes the timetable on which Tom’s father had marked his itinerary, intending to give Tom the money and blame the theft on the "burglar". Tom is later apprehended by the police, and his father, called to the station, opens the retrieved wallet and finds the timetable inside. Instantly realizing what has happened, he allows his son to go free. Tom is sobered by the incident and goes away to make a fresh start in life.
The Face at the Window
Like his father before him, Ralph is admitted to the Graduate Club upon completing his studies at the university. He is presented with a commemorative stein to mark the occasion. Ralph meets an artist’s model, marries her over his father’s objections, and is disowned by the old man. Eventually, he becomes a drunkard and deserts his wife and their baby, who is taken in by Ralph’s father when the young mother dies. The grandson is raised with the same advantages as his father, graduates from the same university, and is admitted to the same club. During the festivities, Ralph stumbles by the club, is seen through the window by his son and his friends, and is brought inside. He attempts to drink from his old stein, but is shoved aside by the boy, who does not know him. The old man enters and recognizes Ralph. All three are reconciled as Ralph dies.