Craig Irving


Agatha and the Midnight Murders
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
As bombs fall on London, writer Agatha Christie decides it is time to kill off her most famous creation.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When madly in love high school graduates Riley and Chris are separated by a tragic car accident, Riley blames herself for her boyfriend's death while Chris is stranded in limbo. Miraculously, the two find a way to connect. In a love story that transcends life and death, both Riley and Chris are forced to learn the hardest lesson of all: letting go.
Tell It to the Bees
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Dr. Jean Markham returns to the town she left as a teenager to take over her late father's medical practice. When a school-yard scuffle lands Charlie in her surgery, she invites him to visit the hives in her garden and tell his secrets to the bees, as she once did. The new friendship between the boy and the bee keeper brings his mother Lydia into Jean's world.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
London, England, May 2000. The peaceful life of elderly Joan Stanley is suddenly disrupted when she is arrested by the British Intelligence Service and accused of providing information to communist Russia during the forties.
The Last Witness
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An ambitious young journalist uncovers the horrific slaughter of 22,000 Polish officers during World War II, a secret kept hidden for far too many years.
アガサ・クリスティー ねじれた家
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ミステリーの女王アガサ・クリスティが1949年に発表した「ねじれた家」を映画化。無一文から巨万の富を築いた大富豪レオニデスが毒殺され、私立探偵のチャールズは、レオニデスの孫娘で元恋人のソフィアから捜査を依頼される。レオニデスの屋敷には3世代にわたる一族が勢ぞろいしており、巨額の遺産をめぐって疑惑や嫉妬、憎悪が入り乱れていた。捜査を開始したチャールズは、ソフィアを含めた一族全員に殺害の動機があることに気づく。そして真相に近づいていく中で、第2の殺人が起こり……。 一族を仕切る大伯母イーディス役に、「天才作家の妻 40年目の真実」ほかで7度のアカデミー賞ノミネートのグレン・クローズ。私立探偵チャールズ役は同作でクローズと共演しているマックス・アイアンズ。監督に「サラの鍵」「ダーク・プレイス」のジル・パケ=ブレネール、脚本に群像劇「ゴスフォード・パーク」でアカデミー脚本賞を受賞しているジュリアン・フェロウズ。
ジャコメッティ 最後の肖像
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
20世紀を代表する芸術家ジャコメッティが最後に手掛けた肖像画の制作過程を描く。 アメリカ人青年ロードは、友人でもあったジャコメッティに肖像画のモデルを依頼され喜び勇んでパリにやって来る。数日間の滞在のつもりだったが、気まぐれな天才の筆は遅々として進まず、自堕落で我儘な生活に巻き込まれ、振り回され続けることとなっていった・・・。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.
Sound Effects Editor
A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
マリーゴールド・ホテル 幸せへの第二章
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Christina Noble overcomes the harsh difficulties of her childhood in Ireland to discover her destiny on the streets of Saigon. A true story.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sam and Fordy run a credit card fraud scheme, but when they steal from the wrong man, they find themselves threatened by sadistic gangster. They need to raise £5m and pull off a daring diamond heist to clear their debt.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
While working undercover as a bodyguard to arms dealer Harry, former-soldier-turned-secret-service-agent Ewan survives a bloody shootout with a member of an Islamic terrorist cell who steals Harry's briefcase full of Semtex explosives and escapes. Ewan's spymasters task Ewan with hunting down the cell members and retrieving the briefcase.
Bonded by Blood
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In 1995, drug suppliers and career criminals Tony Tucker, Patrick Tate and Craig Rolfe were blasted to death by a shot gun whilst waiting in a Range Rover in Rettendon, Essex. The film charts their rise to become the most prolific dealers and feared criminals in the south of England, maintaining the hold on their empire with fear and violence until their untimely death.
Who Killed Nancy?
Sound Mixer
On October 12th, 1978, New York Police discovered the lifeless body of a young woman, slumped under the bathroom sink in a hotel room. She was Nancy Spungen, an ex-prostitute, sometimes stripper, heroin addict, and girlfriend of Sex Pistols' bassist Sid Vicious.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
FBIにはMindhuntersユニットのエージェント向けのトレーニングプログラムがあり、シリアルキラーの追跡方法を教えています。 エージェントのグループは、指導のハードコースを終了しようとしています。 最後の証拠が残っているだけです:週末に離島で架空の犯罪を解決しますが、誰も知らないのは、最新の殺人テクニックで訓練され、彼らよりも速く考えることに慣れているということです 行う。 ゆっくり、系統的に、殺人者はそれらを一つずつ排除します。 犯罪が発生すると、エージェントは互いに不信感を抱き始めるため、誰もが疑われ、致命的な危険にさらされます。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Human Traffic
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Five twenty-something friends spend a drug-fueled weekend in Cardiff, Wales.
Tea with Mussolini
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Semi-autobiographical film directed by Franco Zeffirelli, telling the story of young Italian boy Luca's upbringing by a circle of English and American women, before and during World War II.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer